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The three core predictors of support for Palestine vs Israel are being Muslim, being leftist/‘woke’ and having a broadly low opinion of Jews. I’ve never met a strongly anti-Israel person who fell into none of those three categories.

I'm curious how you would fit Irish anti-Israel sentiment into that model? I'm not sure Ireland as a whole is particularly woke, and @Folamh3 makes a decent case against it having much to do with the other two factors you mention.

If my input has no effect on the outcome, why is it even required?

Forcing a player to do something may have a more visceral impact than making them watch someone else do it.

But I agree. OP makes too good a case against his own position and then never truly debunks it. Gaming is clearly different, I don't see why the same standards should apply.

Romance Scams are a large and growing sector in modern wire fraud. Any "services" you find online of the nature you describe have a roughly 99% chance of being a scam. It will all seem fine at first, they will almost certainly succeed in producing some "women" who are interested in your profile. They will be very excited about meeting you, but some unfortunate circumstance will prevent them from finally meeting their true love. But good news! Whatever problem they are facing can be easily solved with money. Specifically you sending them money. It wont be enough though, or it will but some new problem will come up. This problem can also be solved by sending them more money. Rinse and Repeat until you are bankrupt or finally figure it out. This is one of those shame-based scams that are very seldom reported to law enforcement.

On top of all of this, the dating apps themselves aren't entirely not scams either. I'm sure many men do meet women over them. Most don't, and some of them spend a good amount of money on the app itself trying to get an edge, no scammers needed.

There is a bunch of good advice down thread though.

Vetting happened for the most part because your first interaction with the person was not a date.

Pre-app, the dating pool was restricted to two groups: people you knew personally and who were in your personal social circle, and friends of friends who were introduced by those friends to you. Yes in 1910 the parents were involved deeply, but really, even if they aren’t, it’s hard to bypass the vetting process of having to become known to the person you want to date in person before actually asking her out. My parents met in college on a date arranged by their friends. My grandfather sat behind my grandma in elementary school. The vetting was that you could observe them in lots of social contexts before deciding to date them. You’d go to the same school and likely the same church. You’d see him out and about on the streets. If he yelled at store clerks, you or someone in your circle would know about it.

The difference between that situation and an app, to me explain the exact reason why modern dating sucks for both parties. You’re not dating someone you know, and the only information available is either public records or information on his very curated social media feeds. Other than that, you’re going by looks. It’s super easy for a jerk to thrive in an environment where he cannot be held to account for his previous actions.

Choice sucks. Most players in Bethesda or freeform character created open world games go for troll runs because the available choices end up sucking pretty hard and are inconsequential or inconsistent. Railroaded games don't offer choice beyond letting players play the game in different styles, and that has always lead to tighter narratives with greater emotional depth. The denouement of achievement is better savored when the outcome is amenable to the player.

  1. I don't think most players "go for troll runs". Players eventually do troll runs. But what about the six Elder Scrolls runs that didn't try to break potion-making or whatever before that?
  2. This just seems like a technical issue. We can only generate so much material so the core is static. The more material we can generate, the more flexibility. Right now the material we can quickly generate is bland but that's a technical limitation*.

We might end up in a world where the core storyline is legitimately unrecognizable.

* Some of this is just laziness or cost. Fallout/TES could have - for example - a much more complex faction system even if the main plot stayed on the rails. It's just expensive.

Bottoms - Diverse group of lesbians and Marshawn Lynch.

LOL. Lynch is not involved in any of the movie's romantic subplots, although he references a complicated personal life offscreen. His thoughts on feminism are quite amusing. He is the highlight of a fun movie, but irrelevant to your subject of interest here.

The main romantic pairing in the movie is between a black lesbian and bi-sexual (half-?)asian girl.

I think the best fit for the tech is actually going to be what old RPGs used to have (like Fallout) where you could just type dialog to the characters and mentioning choice words would trigger secret dialogue. Except way more natural.

Can't wait until we get real time voice interaction and nerds start arguing that they totally used the suave voice instead of the off-putting one. Being rejected virtually as well will be fun!

How about a more extreme example then rather than just the reveled preference as shown by the Berlin wall needing to be put up. Just about anyone in the world would rather live in the USA than Bangladesh. One country and society is obviously better by any reasonable metric I can personally think of. Just because both governments may do something you don't like doesn't make them the same.

Take away the firearm, and you might have a scissor, but not one that touches the 2A crowd. It’s along the lines of “believe women”: the scenario is underdetermined, so you have to import either the red- or blue-tribe assumptions. Whichever you choose makes the answer obvious.

The blue-tribe assumption regarding firearms is that most uses are illegitimate. At best, mere ownership makes those illegitimate actions more likely. At worst, expressing support for firearms is announcing intent to commit a crime with one.

This is enough to justify near-total gun control. I think that preempts any instinctive opposition to “guns for women only.”

Also, women really don’t care for guns. Ownership rates are like 3x higher for men. Maybe it’s historical, maybe it’s the masculine love for machinery—we’re way more likely to own guns, let alone commit gun violence.

In the frat house case, neither tribe is going to say the girl is justified in brandishing the gun. If you want to cut on the gender angle, you need a different scenario.

I'd be surprised if equal numbers of men and women like hunting and golf. "We have to do this boring and maybe gross thing to network" is still a barrier, if a porous one.

Presuming the actions of Russia are deliberate gives them too much credit. Incompetent management of criminals that happen to be Tuvan or Chechen is hardly different from incompetent management of Ukrainian or Muscovite gangs. The consequences are not borne by the stare, so what incentive is there to really crack down on criminal elements even if there is a racialized component.

A spontaneous violent mob horizontally coordinated along racial lines for ease of identification just to wreck shit. Less armed factions battling street by street Stalingrad style, more Harlem Riots with more destruction.

I think that describes the Rwandan genocide pretty well, too- if perhaps a very extreme example.

Civil wars really require geographically consolidated factions free of any local element capable of resistance.

Of course, the problem here (for the belligerents) is that defense against even a consolidated faction is really one-sided. 3 foot soldiers dead on national TV was enough to end BLM; how much worse for turbo-BLM in a free-fire zone? Unless the National Guard is defending them, but "government organization decked out in military gear shooting civilians" is the definition of civil war anyway.

I don't know why paid parasocial entertainment isn't really a thing in the western world

It's called "Hololive" (though really, this is streaming culture in general). It's big business, apparently.

within Asia, these venues exist not for booze and girls

They most definitely do. At least in Japan where the industry is very visible in the open, there are plenty of single men going for that reason. KTV is less accessible to lone customers, but there are definitely some people who come just for the entertainment.

Being a male safe space is also a big bonus, but it's definitely something that a group of men will tend to want to go to if you put them together and get them drunk.

why would adult entertainment venues that offer sex-adjacent services persist, when one can get your rocks off for a much cheaper price?

Because in-person interactive entertainment is nothing like watching a video. And given the market conditions, you can get booze and girls for barely more than the cost of just booze. I don't know why paid parasocial entertainment isn't really a thing in the western world, but I assume that the western man gets his fix by erping with discord anime pfps instead.

I don't know about that guy, but I'm still salty that I was promised Right Wing Death Squads, and they never materialized.

I have long thought it was obvious that there are many more white man - black woman (and ‘woman of color’ generally) pairings than white woman - black man (and especially ‘other non-white man’) ones. Still, I thought I might be biased for whatever reason.

But in general white guy - black or minority woman covers all bases, you satisfy the right by having a tough white male lead, and the left claps because it checks woman and PoC boxes. The most cynical casting for a modern network procedural detective show would be like a white male lead and a gay woman of color co-star. White women are superfluous, especially as women are more progressive and less identitarian so presumably much less likely to be upset that there’s no white woman lead.

Black women definitely do complain about casting of black men with white women. I’m sure the threads are easily found on LipstickAlley etc.

It is working in the many African countries that have seen tfr crater in recent decades. It is more stubborn in a few particular places with high populations - Nigeria and Egypt come to mind - and in the absolute worst parts of the continent like Niger and Chad. Even there the trend is down though, it’s just looking more like Europe’s decline than some Asian countries’.

I dunno man, "which gun is best for bear defense" has been a recurring shitshow thread-meme on basically every gun forum I've encountered since about the 90s -- it's not a new thing. (other than maybe some youtubers have caught on I guess?)

Bears are just a handy stand-in for 'stuff that can kill you in the woods' -- even if in reality it's not much of a threat, it's fun to think/fantasize/argue online about.

Then make it a taser or something. I would've thought firearm sentiment to be more who/whom - not that this is actually realistically going to be championed by anyone, but would a "guns for women only" policy be instinctively opposed by most blue tribers?

There’s already a Victorian-approved social gathering which brings men and women together in opportunities for status competition. I should set up a series of such events.

Hock? My balls.

So will the average Democrat. I think you’re misjudging the Venn diagram of “people who think rape is common” and “people who hate and fear firearms”.

I view invitations to hunt and golf being a similar activity, but women in those environs face no barriers to entry. I do not know how this necessarily, if at all, changes the networking dynamics at play.

That’s like saying lumberjack thirst traps exist because of latent male disenfranchisement with white-collar work.

Sure, it’s always nice when a mass of strangers turn out to secretly agree with you. Sometimes there’s an easier explanation.

There's already some experimental games out there, like this one that functions just the way you describe it:

According to the creator "All the content in my game is original; the only thing that is entirely AI-driven are the dialogues, which are based on an original script I wrote, and then created in real time."

If you watch gameplay of it, it's basically like chatting to a well-prompted Chat GPT bot.

Frankly women can enter as well, were it not for the nannying and tutting.

In other words, only transgender women who are sufficiently divorced from [as perceived by the other gender] their gender's primary flaw can enter this space.

That flaw, being (in my opinion/experience) unrestrained anger/disgust, is the GP's point about why non-transgender women are motivated to destroy male spaces in the first place: they're angry that they have to follow the rules to get anywhere, and something inside them renders them wholly incapable of doing that, so their attempts to simply destroy the space for "reeeeeee"-asons are a natural evolution of that.

This isn't to say the standard feminist "all the important things happen in places we're kept out of because something something gender" steelman doesn't still apply (since the primary problem with men is that they're stupid), but that it's almost certainly overblown by people who wish they were more capable than they are; I think it's fascinating that feminist political thought starts with cargo-culting what are effectively transgender behaviors, leading to everyone being shocked to discover that most women aren't transgender, and [the selfish version of] their conclusion was that it's not them that's the problem, it's the notion of gender itself (the productive one was just going out and building other institutions that reinforce transgender behavior in an ostensibly discouragement-free environment; which is why [female division of things men are naturally better at] exist in the first place).