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Small-Scale Question Sunday for April 28, 2024

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

Culture war topics are accepted, and proposals for a better intro post are appreciated.

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Thoughts on Trudeau actually being Castro's Son? I've done more research on this than I care to admit just because I love the meme. It is technically possible with the timeline of his mother's honeymoon in the Caribbean approx. 9 months before his birth. I'm thinking of doing an effort post and making a fun conspiracy website here in the USA where the Canadian authorities can't shut it down.

If it somehow turned out to be true, the most embarrassed party would probably be Fidel Castro, in afterlife. A son that hides from the right wing instead of doing this?

What a fucking bad ass. I would have slept with him if I were Mrs. Trudeau

fun conspiracy website

Is there really nothing wrong with Canadian government to the point that most problematic part is cute but almost certainly false story?

I'm not sure what you mean here? That I should be doing more thoughtful investigative journalism into the fall of the Canadian way of life? Or that Canada should have bigger fish to fry than dealing with this conspiracy theory?

That spending time on making world a worse place seems bad use of time.

Unless it is some complex plan of making this guy seems better by unhinged attacks on him? Or further move into direction of low C trust society? (Well in such case it is also effort spend to make world worse)

I'm not here to make the world a better place. I do that in real life where I am kind to my family, friends and everyone I meet for the most part, I go out of my way to help almost anyone that isn't an asshole, to the point where it confuses people used to being scammed or ignored.

I kind of think of it as A Picture of Dorian Grey type situation. I take the ugly weirdness, intrusive thoughts and over-analysis and put 'em online, where often they provide entertainment and food for thought for the people that don't wish to contribute. I've been doing that since college oh so many years ago. If "do something" is your motto, what are you doing to make the world a better place today?

what are you doing to make the world a better place today?

This is sadly unique enough that I would likely doxx myself. And I prefer to not invent fake equivalent.

(it is at least 98% culture-war free)

Without being rude I highly doubt that to be the case. You're not the only one doing X.

I am not claiming that.

But I may be the only one of day 1500 people doing this in Poland, at which point someone dedicated may start checking each person or doing various smarter matches.

Do I need to get out the Dennis Nedry "nobody cares" gif out?

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If Justin is Castro's son, and he with the Canadian government vociferously deny it, then who is sewing seeds of low trust.


As I understand main evidence "it would be great if my enemies would be even worse and lame"

It looks to me like the main evidence is:

  • Justin Trudeau looks very much like Castro did at a similar age, while bearing no resemblance to Trudeau Sr.
  • Justin's mother and father were unquestionably sexually adventurous swingers who were legendary for engaging in coitous with their friends. Seperately, Castro was a close friend of theirs, who was likewise extremely sexually adventurous.
  • Justin's parents were enjoying a honeymoon in the Caribbean and made a visit to one particular island whose identity they insisted on keeping a secret roughly nine months before Justin's birth.
  • Justin's parents subsequently acted like Castro was someone they already knew when they supposedly met him for the first time on a subsequent visit to Cuba.

The first bullet point seems pretty decisive to me.

Here was a "debunking the debunkers" post on it, i suppose you can use this in your search.

Here's a question, and CSIS this is a joke, how hard would it be to get a bit of Trudeau DNA and Castro DNA to do a comparison?

It feels like intelligence agencies could surely find out. Trudeau is at hundreds of events where a drinking glass or whatever could be quietly lifted and the CIA surely has Castro’s DNA from something over the years, plus one of his biological daughters defected to the West and her DNA could be used too.

Realistically you wouldn't need Castro DNA. We know enough about Trudeau and Castro ancestry.

Given the breakup of Justin's marriage, the best way to proceed would be to recruit an attractive young woman to collect DNA. You could get sequencing done and upload the results to and 23andMe.

It'd be pretty obvious who the real father is by looking at regions and relatives.

are you sure it isn't illegal and even posting this on forum put you on some list?

Actually doing it would probably be illegal, yeah. But I'm not a lawyer.

Joking about stealing the PM's semen isn't the sort of thing that you gets you in trouble in Canada. The RCMP doesn't have nearly the resources the Secret Service does and they really don't have time for something like that. Plus it'd be hard for them to get a judge to take the charges seriously. What with me giggling in the court room and all.

I am 100% certain that I am already on lists in Canada. If anything, my comment is more likely to get my presence on those lists reviewed and removed as a waste of time.

No need to even recruit an attractive young woman. I'm sure there are attractive young women who are interested in this question and could source the DNA all by themselves, then get it analysed and upload the results, immediately ensuing massive fame for themselves if the theory is correct.

There are quite a few Castro relatives in the USA and If I can track down the "Who do you think you are" 2008 episode about Trudeau maybe I can find some of his kin in the US as well. Kyle Kemper is his half brother from his mother so that would work as well. Heck he might mail us a sample, plus he is in the US. I'll reach out!

See, i did actually think this is within the realm of possibility. I don't know enough about DNA to know how far you can go to establish a relationship, but yeah between siblings, cousins, etc. Maybe there's something

Kyle Kemper is his half brother from his mother

We're not trying to prove who his mother is, though?

True, I was thinking from a more general genealogy family tree prospective but yeah I guess his mother's DNA isn't going to help us at all here!!! I was totally wrong to even mention it and I'm not sure why I did. We really need his or his kids plus a Castro relative.

The big problem is that Young Pierre Trudeau and Young Castro could easily pass for brothers. So it's hard to tell if there's any funny business from looking at Justin. Justin looks like his brothers in family photos.

I don't think they look too much alike and Young Castro is much closer. He also seems to have darker hair and complexion than his brothers

The big problem is that Young Pierre Trudeau and Young Castro could easily pass for brothers.

One could just shift the conspiracy a generation backwards I suppose -- do we really know what Pierre's mother was up to?

I’m a fan, too. Just the right level of unlikely.

You should do it.