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Rishi Sunak for example has a face that looks very British to me in a way I can't fully articulate, despite his ethnic background.

British or British public school in particular?

Face tattoos signify a rather fundamental disengagement with the norms of greater society such that I can't imagine becoming great buddies with anyone who has one. This is true to a lesser degree of full sleeves, etc. This is true in or out of Japan.

I know two perfectly respectable doctors with full sleeve tats, one working in the ER and the other as a surgeon. I'd say maybe 30% of the doctors I know (+- 5 years older or younger than me) have some tattoos on them (at least visible to me) including yours truly, though mine isn't really on display until the shirt comes off.

Then again, I've lacking the inclination to ink up all of my skin, and as an eventual psychiatrist, I'm expected to be the model of sobriety and decorum, though no doubt going for a more outré aesthetic probably appeals greatly to some of the regulars.

Something even 80% as good as PD sounds awesome to me

France isn't Germany or the USA; the law of the sword is a lot closer to the surface there - remember, they've had a constitution fail and get replaced within living memory, and French history for the last few centuries is mostly just one bloodbath after another (this is the French Fifth Republic).

Defying the mob there is not a safe proposition.

I was secretly looking forward to being celebrated an extra 1 day a year - a doubling, since for white males you really only get your birthday.

But I totally blew mother's day (a vacation during it was said to "count" but that's a polite white lie from my wife) so in exchange I requested nothing be done for it. My kids are too young to give a shit.

For both parent's days I think we'll probably settle into a day off from parenting, a higher probability of great sex, and a nice meal. Her an afternoon shopping and me an 8 hour cycling sufferfest as outings.

It bears mentioning that the French people are currently on their 5th attempt at creating a healthily running republic.

Here's the official release by the NPA which they are being investigated over. It includes the following phrase:

Le NPA ne se joint pas à la litanie des appels à la prétendue “désescalade”. En effet, la guerre contre les PalestinienNEs dure depuis 75 ans, et la gauche devrait se rappeler de la nécessaire solidarité avec les luttes de résistances contre l'oppression et l’occupation. Le NPA rappelle son soutien aux PalestinienNEs et aux moyens de luttes qu’ils et elles ont choisi pour résister.

I think it's pretty straightforward. They are literally supporting "palestinians and the means of struggle they chose to resist" and end with "Intifada!".

I wouldn't expect any less from revolutionary trotskyists, and I think they should be allowed to say that, but as the law stands in France right now, that opinion is illegal.

Now it merits to be said that this party, despite a long history on the left, is extremely marginal.

A lot more important is the position of LFI, the now most influential left wing pary, and while it isn't anywhere near as inflamatory, they are still aligned to a specific side. Mathilde Panot got raked over the coals for refusing to call Hamas a terrorist organization and Mélenchon himself is constantly denouncing Israel and its appartheid state whilst being a lot more evasive about any questions involving Palestinians.

Anyway. The center left has fought LFI on the Gaza question and I interpret Glücksmann's success as a rejection of "antisemitism" from center left voters given the testimonies of the many such people I know. Though to be fair, I don't have hard numbers to back this.

If you are not a programmer then ChatGPT will not turn you into one.

It is useful for a programmers if they are stuck or write in some silly setup where you need tons of boilerplate.

  1. The Germans were so uniquely evil trope is used to justify all sorts of Soviet and Anglo-American imperialism. The Germans weren't uniquely evil or brutal.

  2. The Germans wanting to exterminate everyone who isn't German trope simply isn't true either. Germans wanted to restore Germany and have a more isolationist policy than most other countries at the time.

This guy gained so much street cred by telling his party to pound sand until he had a judge tell his party that they couldn't do squat. Not knowing anything else about the guy I'd say he's well placed for a very senior leadership role if the right alliance wins (up to supplanting the 28yo from RN).

Is there any merit?

None whatsoever. They are lying or obfuscating things as usual. Third Reich was busy murdering, colonizing and fucking things up. And if they claim that it affected only Jews, then they are lying liars. (see also other section)

(and yes, higher quality materials exist)

whether he lives in his native country

Has he missed that Germany invaded together with Russia and split Poland between them?

Or maybe the claim here is that "in native country" is not applying and therefore murdering them is fine.

To be more specific: if someone was eager collaborator then they could get "Volksdeutsche" classification. See'Volksdeutsche'_in_German-occupied_western_Poland

What quite obviously proves that others were, in fact, considered as worse. (and given that it was Nazi Germany: worse were supposed to be exterminated or at least enslaved)

How that changes anything in terms of "has Germany was anti-slav during nazi times?"

I think a major issue is the over focus on monetisation in the west. Almost all newer major studios are engaging in the most degenerate design possible, with little care actual design and writing and handing that over to the DEI people or only pay perfunctory attention to it.

The few companies not doing this are legacy developers. Once one goes bad, which is almost inevitable over time, it's just gone and nothing replaces it.

Like with movies there is a mid budget gap in the market. Tons of great Indies but major productions that have to sell unreasonable amounts or use predatory monetisation strategies to make money.

for the "German race" from them, produced boatloads of propaganda claiming the Slavs were subhuman

We Slavs are also quite proficient at producing propaganda that Slavs are subhuman.

Many see Glucksmann's timidity towards LFI as weakness given he held a larger share of the vote in the European elections, and some, including two former prime ministers have denounced the alliance's inclusion of parties that supported Hamas, including the NPA,

[citation needed] What prominent politicians "support Hamas"? What did they say exactly?

That was probably the best depiction of modern weapons ever, except for the part where the girl goes rambo mode at the end.

I've seen a few actual special forces people react to that video and they were very impressed, talking about how the tactics were used in surpression ect, though they said that the security company was clearly fighting a low tier terrorist org but this was a much better showing than anything they've ever seen. and they made basic tactical errors due to fog of war but everybody makes basic errors in the heat of battle

Let me put it this way: Macron has already had two consecutive terms. Does this make him part of "Nul" or not? Is he now off limits to the presidency or does the limitation specifically limit how consecutive mandates can be? It's not clear.

I expect the CC to attempt to interpret the intent of the legislator here, which would likely allow for an ex president returning to political life but likely not procedural tricks to get around the rule.

Like if anyone could be made into a 7ft giant, would the current crop of NBA players remain? I doubt it. Almost all of them would be out-competed by harder working more conscientious guys

Agreed. I got a lot further in pro sports than I should have due to being a 99th outlier in certain physical attributes, but it was always funny seeing my position being 3 or 4 guys of a potential pool of about 10, maybe 20 candidates versus the normal-sized positions where it was 3 or 4 guys of hundreds of aspirants. The normal-sized guys were a lot more skilled/generally able as a result of that filtering.

A year's earnings? Equivalent to whatever he made off the media attention?

I can't come up with an exact figure but complete financial annihilation feels a thousandfold what'd be logical, especially when the tribe advocating for this would generally lean towards leniency in the vast majority of criminal cases.

First season was fine, but the writing was already on the wall by the end of it. Didn't even bother with the second season and don't have the impression I missed anything.

Kripke is also just not a good writer for anything but short episodic monster-of-the-week style shows with black/white morality - see Supernatural. Almost all the overarching storylines were awful and contrived. He can do some decent character work, but it's always obvious whether a character is supposed to be good or evil. And there as well he had a massive problem with dragging things out by ending every season by putting everyone back to starting positions.

Yeah, great post. If you want a hot, relatively chaste, young, smart right-leaning woman, that’s not impossible, but you better be the equivalent of that as a man, namely a successful, attractive, charming, relatively young guy who probably has similar values, which in the case of chastity is likely some kind of religious conservatism. Young Mormon men seem to have no issue marrying chaste(ish) pretty blondes who will vote for Romney and deliver 3-4 children, because that’s their milieu. Too often some chubby suburban secular engineer whose primary hobbies are video games and online political discussion thinks he deserves the same.

The fact that you think these are equivalent requirements shows how ridiculously lopsided the sexual marketplace is against men. All a woman needs to do is be young and chaste, which is something every girl was at some point and which practically guarantees hotness (to men) by itself, on the right half of the IQ bell-curve, and vote for a party that half the country supports. Meanwhile, a man who has spent decades studying and working to become an engineer is told "whoops, sorry, that's not enough, you also need to have interesting (to women) hobbies, be physically fit, and have a handsome face; I'm sure you will find time and energy to do all while you are working at a ridiculously demanding intellectual job, and also you better get all of that done way before you turn 35 because otherwise the idea of you marrying a 23 year old is just creepy!"

In other words, every aspect of a man's life, from his career to his hobbies to his body, must be optimized for attracting women, and it is no one's fault but his own if he fails.

"Women don't care about your struggles, they wait at the finish line and fuck the winners." -- Richard Cooper, The Unplugged Alpha

A 35 year old average looking guy of average means probably isn’t going to marry a 23 year old conservative trad virgin. If that’s the blackpill @faceh was talking about then, sure, it’s real. But at that point the unlikelihood of winning the lottery is a blackpill, and so is a peasant girl realizing she’s unlikely to marry the prince.

There was a time when this would have been ordinary. When fathers would have been jockeying for the chance to marry their daughters off to a man of established means instead of standing by impotently as they spend their fertile years getting pumped and dumped by the price in the futile hope that he will commit. God willing, that time will come again, when the insanity of feminism and the sexual revolution has been consigned to the trash can of history.

Why put the word consecutive at all in there if the intention was to forbid nonconsecutive terms?

People who played Elden Ring on release were already 11 years late to the party. I like it, but it's de-facto Dark Souls IV. Not just mechanically, even many specific weapons and specific characters (welcome back, dear old friend Patches).

Triple A sucks because they ironically make too much money, so they can afford to hire way too many people. Add modern culture with its low hierarchies & trigger-happy hypersensitivity and you have a recipe for disaster. It's way too many cooks, and each cook is especially confident about the stuff they don't like, so everything ends up extremely bland, bloated or both.

Japanese culture doesn't really have these particularities. I strongly recommend Kojima's games as well.

Other good news is that the indie scene is also stronger than ever. The modding scene, likewise. So it's quite easy to avoid the triple A slob, though some issues extend beyond it (for example, even indie devs lean significantly more woke than average).

Honestly the show lost its way pretty early on. Up to the point where the boys blow up Translucent, it worked because they had a clear goal (kill the supes) and were working towards that goal in a meaningful way. But after that? Homelander is an excellent villain, but the heroes have made no progress in their goals and mostly seem to have lost sight of what their goals even are. Choosing not to kill A-Train in particular demonstrated the lack of narrative direction that had crept in. Instead you get silly subplots about how Hughie doesn't feel like enough of a man.

Barbarossa Decree declared

Unlike Winston Churchill's genocide of Boers or America's extreme attempts to clear out insurgents in Vietnam, Germany was fighting an existential war and was going out hard on insurgents.

How many trials were provided to the people the US murdered with drone strikes?