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Culture War Roundup for the week of March 11, 2024

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I think the youth agree with me, here. Jordan Peterson's popularity, notoriously, came from offering boomer dad advice. Recently there's been discussion of positive male role models to replace Andrew Tate; Andrew Tate's pitch isn't much different from tons of other redpill influencers.

I’m not too familiar with the specifics of Peterson and Tate’s philosophies/grifting. However, from my vantage point, those who shriek at them are typically inverse weathervanes, so the two are probably doing something right.

My sense is that Peterson is already on the wane, and his ability to be a “red-pill” influencer is limited by his daughter’s hoetry, as a divorced single-mother, party-girl, and general e-thot. The optics are just bad: Physician, heal thyself. Which makes the AI-generated JP readings of the “having a daughter is the ultimate and final cuck” pasta all the more hilarious and devastating, although he may have gotten many of those taken down (but not all!).

A more blackpilled take might be: “If Peterson wasn’t able to stop his daughter from hoeing around, what chances do the rest of us have?”

The pro-social version of Andrew Tate isn't the male feminist activist. It's Mike Rowe.

It’s also possible the pro-social version of Andrew Tate is… Andrew Tate. Perhaps his advice is net-beneficial to young men, in helping them be more willing to stop cooperating in the face of defection. To the extent his advice hurts the Wonderfulness of women, maybe it helps young men more (albeit, pro-social behavior is often defined as what benefits women, so something that is an X loss for women but a X + Epsilon gain for men would be considered anti-social, even if Epsilon is quite large). He could be providing an essential service in expanding the Overton window, or at least slowing it from further shrinkage or swimming left.

Unfortunately the Manosphere has largely been doxxed and cancelled into oblivion through concerted effort. What you have standing on its ruins are the likes of Tate and JP. It wasn't always like this.

Perhaps his advice is net-beneficial to young men, in helping them be more willing to stop cooperating in the face of defection. To the extent his advice hurts the Wonderfulness of women, maybe it helps young men more

Andrew Tate’s advice isn’t things like ‘disrespect women’, it’s things like ‘quit your job and try to make money in crypto’ and ‘tell your girlfriend you cheated on her even though you didn’t’. These are terrible ideas independent of misogyny or whatever.

I'm curious why do you think his daughter is disqualifying but his drug addiction wasn't?

That's the point where JP went from an interesting guy with some good points on a podcast to "Oh he's that deeply broken guy who yells at Elmo on Twitter."

The thought of having had a drug addiction would put-off and disgust red- and black-pillers a lot less than the thought of having a single/divorced mother of a thot-daughter, and a lot of blue-pillers as well. Especially since one's drug addiction wouldn't be prancing around trying to inject itself left and right as an influencer, constantly reminding everyone of its existence (look at me!).

From what I've seen, drug use is largely orthogonal to red-pill beliefs, at least on average. I'm sure there's a lot of red-pillers who advocate for a monkish and austere lifestyle devoid of drugs and alcohol, but there's also a lot of them who like to party. After all, doing drugs and/or drinking with a girl is an ancient prelude leading up to her letting you pipe her.

Especially since, at least according to Wikipedia, JP's drug addiction was to benzos following his wife's cancer diagnosis. It's not like he was tweaking or shooting-up in the streets of Toronto, harassing passerby's as to whether they've read the literature.

I suppose the point remains that Peterson has lost quite a bit of cachet, because he lost his edge. Before the benzos, he was a smart, articulate dude trying to defend himself from the political zeitgeist. Now, he's a brain-burned weirdo memed for saying "up yours, woke moralists!" I kind of don't want to blame the benzos and the weird asphyxiation(?) treatment he underwent in Russia, but I imagine it all could not have helped.

He was pretty much getting this way before the benzos though -- frankly it seemed all downhill for him once the Culture War become his focus, and the slide accelerated as he had some fiscal success with it.

I take it as a cautionary tale TBH; could happen to any of us. Maybe it's OK so long as we are doing it for free?

Was JP ever really a TRP influencer? My sense was that, when he had his brief moment of being a Person, he was just a vaguely conservativish ersatz dad figure not really associated with the broader manosphere, let alone TRP. The media got a hate boner for him (was it the trans stuff?), and then manospherians rallied around him briefly, in a the-enemy-of-my-enemy kind of way. Then people forgot about him, because his main thing was "make your bed," and he got bored with being a Thought Leader when he realized benzos were more fun.

Was JP ever really a TRP influencer? My sense was that, when he had his brief moment of being a Person, he was just a vaguely conservativish ersatz dad figure not really associated with the broader manosphere,

Jordan Peterson was the closest thing to sensible moderate answer to TRP. When it comes to posture towards women and society, he told young men to be strong, honorable, responsible, and honest; while the TRP told them to be strong, crafty, mercenary, and cynical. Of course, very online progressives hated him, though IMO they never gave a coherent answer for why.

The fact Peterson had a mental break, became a drug addict, lost his daughter to Tate, and was cancelled from his job is a good, if anecdotal, rebuttal of his approach to modern problems. The boomer advice memes write themselves.

I never liked JP too much. He has the valuable academic skill of sounding erudite, but when you dissect what he's actually saying, full of literary allusions and digressions, it often doesn't amount to much. The anti-Scott.

Peterson was always kind of wacky philosophy professor, they don’t tend to have hugely stable or normal lives.

There were probably a thousand men or so who took his advice to heart and improved their lives for it. So, he's almost certainly a net positive. I hope he gets his life together and can be happy with that small positive influence he's had.

I think he has his own personal life (if not his daughter). His wife became very ill; it is understandable. He did end up cleaning his room. I think he still has a positive influence.

On some level JP has to know he's peddling nonsense. You're never going to be successful in simply 'inspiring' a nation to return to tradition without the political mechanisms and social norms that enforce that behavior. Its why I get tired of the red pill message that essentially says "you need to be a man and put your woman in her place!" Oh putting her in her place is easy. Not going to 'jail' is the hard part. And the latter is why the former never happens. For it to work, you need to revive to the social controls that punishment deviant behavior. Good luck with that.

Oh putting her in her place is easy.

Have you ever disagreed with a woman...about anything...ever?

Being wrong is easy, you go "oh shit babe, you're right, my bad"

Being right is worse than some historical forms of prison torture.

"Easy" lmao bruh almost literally anything else is easier

You forgot his second part there: "Not going to 'jail' is the hard part."

Any guy can 'put a woman in her place' by punching her in the face. But nowadays that tends to get you arrested for assault, not "if he loves me, why doesn't he blacken my eye?" versions of the past.

I don't subscribe to the idea that my father's father was morally deficient or somehow less capable of understanding he shouldn't beat his mother, wife, sisters, or daughter. At least in my family's living memory someone who beat their wife was called a wifebeater, and that was widely considered about as low as someone who fucked their mother

Punching? How uncouth. The proper way is to use a lash no thicker than your thumb on parts of her body that aren't seen in public. Non-consensually, aftercare optional.

The proper way is to use a lash no thicker than your thumb on parts of her body that aren't seen in public. Non-consensually, aftercare optional.

I'm unable to tell whether your meaning is literal, ironic, pretend-ironic, or pretend-pretend-ironic to express distain for people saying those things pretend-ironically.

Do you think (a) regular birchings are part of healthy monogamy, (b) such disciplinings were regularly practiced in the west before feminism?

Just regular ironic, I think.

I think many men in enforced monogamy would have to resort to physical "punishment of deviant behaviour" if they wanted to "put her in her place" as referred to by Tretiak above. I can't say whether that was common in the West but in my region of the world which Tretiak may or may not originate from, the idea that the past was very much "spare the rod and spoil the wife" is quite widespread.

Tate is useful in that he openly admits his business model was to get girls to exploit simps for cash and buy lambos with the profits (at least before he found a new model of exploiting losers who buy his courses). That message should be hammered home - these e-whores are working to take your money! As the ancient saying goes, 'I google big tits and get 10,000,000 results for free.'

Tate's simply pointing out that the emperor has no clothes when he says that. Girls are already out there engaging in that behavior. Tate's just advising young men on how they can get their cut of the action.

Tate literally exploits his own followers by selling them ‘fake advice’ predicated on a lifestyle that is itself reliant on selling the very same lonely young men access to camwhores. How is that good for young men? Tate exploits them more than he does any other demographic.

In the view of his young male followers I believe the expression goes "don't care, had sex." They wouldn't see it as exploitation insofar as it gets them what they want. The real exploitation taking place comes from women who end up behaving as useful idiots and reward men for poor conduct and disreputable sexual norms.

The women are typically the usual kind of trafficked Eastern European prostitute, though, these men can find her in any German brothel already.

You can find them here in America, willingly prostituting and giving themselves up on OnlyFans.

So what, whores have always existed and will always exist, and the men who associate with them voluntarily will always complain about them even though they choose those women, and will then judge all women by their behavior. What’s your point?

Yeah and likewise criminals have always existed as well. It doesn't mean mainstream society has to tolerate and be defined by it. He can remain as uninfluential and marginalized as he likes. Tate as civilization is the problem.

... and the men who associate with them voluntarily will always complain about them even though they choose those women, and will then judge all women by their behavior. What’s your point?

I'm guessing you don't read a lot of the opinion pieces that keep the news cycles running 24 hours a day. I'll let you in on something you apparently haven't noticed. These complaints are overwhelmingly written by women, not men.

"Actually the useful idiots are the ones exploiting others" is a new one.

Not sure how you got that out of my statement.

Is it slavery when you get what you want?

"The real exploitation taking place comes from women who end up behaving as useful idiots"

Did you mean to say "is aimed at women"? If not, it's kinda oxymoronic to say that a useful idiot is not the one who's being exploited (made use of).

Unless you think women are helping themselves by offering themselves up to men who would use, demean and then discard them, leaving them miserable and with a trail of baggage, then yes, they are being useful idiots for the kind of men Tate would advise his followers to become. And he only does it because it works.

?? The emperor is still the emperor