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slap him with the largest civil judgement in history

This is the crux to me of this just being almost entirely motivated by spite. I think that what he did was reprehensible, but plenty of other civil judgements for worse cases have not been 'let us completely financially annihilate this man teehee'

The problem is that when female hypergamy is left totally unchecked (as it is now), the standards become so high that you can't meet them simply by being a hard-working guy with reasonable achievements. And even if you can, that takes time. Meanwhile the alleged prize waiting for you at the end of the tunnel already has a bodycount of 20 with guys who were born with a better jawbone or a few more inches of height. Not worth it.

It's really not that hard for men to get laid in the modern world, even if you're not good looking, and women tend to be more interested in getting married than men. Most ugly guys I know as friends have long-term girlfriends, but these are the types of guys I'd be interested in having as friends, whereas there are plenty of non-ugly guys I wouldn't be interested in having as friends and who don't (I don't say can't) get laid, largely it seems because of their neuroticism.

However, I agree that earlier marriage (at least involving men who grow up quickly - get a good job, a good trade, and have a reputation as a moral law-abiding god-fearing citizen) would be good. Promiscuity should be a reward of status for successful, artistic, or high-born men, like the old days.

Good points all around. My person take is that Rome reached its zenith with the fall of Carthage. The territorial gains for the next 200 years were just the inevitable consolidation. But I recognize this might be a minority view.

And you are right to mention Sparta which largely died out because of sub replacement level fertility.

b) the only appropriate guarantor against too much democracy is a managerial elite with the backing of the state.

I'd say this needs slight modification — that a managerial elite need not be the only appropriate guarantor against too much democracy, just the best option. And what alternatives do you have in mind? How else do you propose to keep the governance of a modern, complex nation state going when the electorate will, if allowed, vote for the Wrong Choice?

There is the issue regarding Chinese immigration that the PRC government is notoriously willing to take emigrants' families hostage to force them to do what the PRC wants. As such, the majority of Chinese immigrants are effectively sleeper agents, which doesn't matter right up until you want to pursue foreign policy that Beijing doesn't like and then it really, really does. We've been dealing with this in Australia for the last couple of decades.

What happens once the immigrants can't fuck either?

They go back to their home country with the wealth they've accumulated working in the US, which being far more than they could have earned there, greatly improves their marriage prospects?

Canada's in close cultural proximity to the USA but doesn't have Borderers and is creeped out by them. One side of US politics is largely composed of Borderers. Hence, they identify with the other.

Isn't it curious hos they don't try to get clicks by reporting on the police siding with local rape gangs, child castration fetishists influencing a medical standards setting body, or Epstein running a child prostitution ponzi scheme?

The "mundane" "for the clicks", or " they just do it for the profit" explanations run into obvious problems very fast. Conspiracy theories seem a lot more consistent with reality.

The point is to get clicks.

It gets clicks by frothing up lefties about how awful and illegitimate those terrible republicans are and they're a danger to democracy, can you imagine what's going to happen to us in a country where a judge's wife can hang a flag the wrong way up, etc, etc. There's a demand for "Republicans are the spawn of satan" stories, so they get shoveled out the door.

The media is awful, but in most cases it's because the audience is also awful.

I haven't followed this case at all closely, but my impression was that he didn't comply with his discovery obligations and so the court said that the worst possible inference should be drawn from his lack of disclosure, and that's why the judgement was so astronomical?

That's not a practical scenario, it takes far too long for forces to get there no matter how large NATO armies are. You'd have to bring them down through Turkey, through all the mountains, get shipping and supplies. Look how long it took the US to get set up for the Iraq War. The geography of Iran is hellish for an invasion.

Missiles move in minutes, militaries need months.

The correct response to Iran firing nuclear missiles at Europe is to fire nukes back, not invade the country. Or if they fire conventional missiles, just fire conventional missiles back. It's not like they can do much damage with conventional warheads.

And IRL Iran is pretty careful and rational. They resist the urge to launch massive attacks at Western countries, Israel excepted. Even when the US assassinated Soleimani they only shelled some US bases.

I agree that what he did is harassment but at a certain point a kind of vague gesturing to emotional damages for uncapped punishment has to look contrary to how the people who'd be comfortable with that level of punishment treat actual violent criminals.

Putin NOW actively states he wishes to send arms to states hostile to the west in order and we would see actual fucking deaths if there were western assets ripe for the picking

Precisely. This is why we shouldn't have antagonized him. Going after Russia's friends in Syria and blowing up Libya wasn't helpful, the whole Ukraine farce isn't helpful. We've spent a great deal of effort on making a dangerous enemy. They have thousands of H-bombs, missiles and all kinds of weapons that could make our lives a misery. Maybe they'll send the Houthis some exciting toys. From day 1 I pointed out that this was one of the many fruits of the poisoned tree and everyone goes 'oh let's keep planting the trees, it's so virtuous to eat poison, I love poison, you're unpatriotic if you aren't ready to chug down poison'.

Right now Putin's putting SMO veterans into positions of state power, he's ensuring that his successors toe the anti-Western line.

This was avoidable! If our statesmen had a little tact, if they knew how to spell diplomacy, if they had a basic understanding of strategy, we could've brought Russian neutrality, not pushed them into China's arms. We could've done nothing and won. But instead we've blown up random countries, ushered Ukraine into the slaughterhouse and given China a golden staircase to world hegemony.

Hanhwa is making money hand over fist in Poland

There is nothing that South Korea can sell Poland that would change the outcome. Only H-bombs matter because Poland and co already have conventional superiority. Aren't you the one shouting that these disgusting subhuman orcs are so grossly incompetent? But for nuclear deterrence the Russians might just demand unconditional surrender. Raze a city every day until they surrender - you're the one who says they're so cruel. They don't think Poles are a fraternal people like Ukraine, they'd take the gloves off. Would France and Britain sacrifice their cities for Poland?

What is so hard to understand about my point?

Fair enough. Then substitute in the argument for people who are persuasive or helpful.

There are much lonelier societies with more sexless men and they have close to zero lone wolf mass shootings. We just make the tools of mass shootings very easily accessible.

That's true. It's good that America has the 2A so its men who have been failed by society have a more productive and direct way to address their grievances that is capable of effectively targeting society (though of course as pointed out far too few still take advantage of this opportunity or especially target people higher up on the totem pole who are truly more responsible for their issues).

I guarantee you that if you threaten normies with visions of dark brooding virgins rising up they will (1) laugh, and (2) support further repression of said virgins.

And then they will still cry like fools at the next Sandy Hook and demand to know how anybody could do such a thing. They're not exactly imposing given their buffoonish contradictions and constant contextual flip-flopping.

If you want a rule that says you can't get a gun unless you bring your girlfriend to say you aren't a threat

Escorts would love the business this results in.

"These men" by and large are not going to do shit.

By and large, probably yes. But some of them provably do (and I dispute that they would have done it anyway in a healthier society). And when they do, it's often treated by most as something that should be prevented even in the singular case.

It seems like this site is different from average people in this regard though and doesn't see it as particularly relevant if the occasional Sandy Hook is part of the price of the issue. So I guess I won't be seeing too many condolences on this site the next time something similar happens, or at least that's what I'll expect if motivated reasoning isn't afoot.

It's especially odd to suggest this given that recently society doesn't even have the capacity to keep incarcerated the people who are provably guilty of actual histories of real violence. Plenty of "mini-Lanzas" (that is, post-shooting) have been released on to the streets (mostly if they're black).

There's much discourse about the effect of a lack of role models on young men. But I think this points to a malaise among young women as well that slips under the radar. No aunts or grandma to tell the girls they are just being silly.

The stupid thing is, I get it. Retarded as I am, even I can tell they don't really care about the mechanics of "man vs bear", charitably they just want to talk about how "they feel unsafe around men", and uncharitably just dunk on men. But should we even be entertaining this bullshit? If a dude came up to me with a similar set of tokens, the only appropriate response is "quit being a retard".

International law is not binding. If Timidland decides not to join Moralland, there are no nation police who'll arrest them for violating their contract. All that is hurt is their reputation. How badly their reputation is hurt depends on the scenario; I think few people would accuse Timidland of really violating their alliance if they didn't come to the aid of Moralland there.

But if the people of Timidland consider themselves bound by honour to help, or would want Moralland to help them if the situation were reversed, then they should go and help.

Having a much larger military can be necessary to decisively win an asymmetrical war. Say Iran started lobbing ICBMs into NATO capitals. You can lob ICBMs back with little difficulty, but that might not actually get them to stop, maybe they're happy to take lots of losses if it means they can hurt the Western devils. If NATO actually wants to protect as many of its citizens as possible, they'll need to actually invade Iran in that scenario. And that'll take a very large military to win an offensive intercontinental war with a regional power.

What happens once the immigrants can't fuck either?

Can you provide any references to the phenomena you described in your first paragraph? I've often suspected that universalist religions are a solution to the problem of scale, but I haven't dug into any literature on it.

I think this line of argument conflates two different propositions: a) there's such a thing as too much democracy and b) the only appropriate guarantor against too much democracy is a managerial elite with the backing of the state. Lots of people agree with the first proposition without necessarily agreeing with the second.

I strongly suspect that the chattering classes care a lot more about corruption than the majority of voters. Really egregious corruption can rub people the wrong way, particularly if people feel they are being shut out of opportunities that insiders have access to, but I don't think a lot of people care very much about, say, who gets appointed transportation minister. In order to be enraged about deviations from procedural norms, you have to be deeply invested in the legitimacy of those norms to start with. While the PMC may be, increasingly large numbers of voters aren't.

The effects of prayer, if any, seem like another more specific issue than the broader veracity of any particular religion. At any rate, you can't leap from "prayer does not have detectable empirical effects" to "God does not exist". That too is a non sequitur.

As for the rest... that just seems like bare assertion, to me. If there were real 'Potterists', who believe in the literal historical truth of the Harry Potter novels, I would not find their beliefs plausible. There are a number of arguments I would make against them, from the known history of that text to its inconsistency with reality as I understand it. But Potterism being wrong does not do anything to demonstrate that Christianity is also wrong. Potterism's claims are false, but since Christianity's claims are different, refuting Potterism does nothing to Christianity. It would just be a straw man. Christianity would require refutation on its own merits. Shoot down Harry all you like; Jesus is not hiding behind him.

(I am not clear, incidentally, on why ghosts couldn't exist - personally I am an agnostic on the matter. G. K. Chesterton actually addresses the question in the final chapter of Orthodoxy - you exclude even the possibility of ghosts because, whether rightly or wrongly, you have a dogma that says that ghosts can't exist. That doesn't mean you're wrong - dogmas aren't bad; we all have dogmas - but just that it's a judgement that precedes observation.)

Anyway, if you would like to narrow down a specific claim that you object to, I suppose I could make an affirmative case for it and we could have a debate?