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It's deeply weird for me to see complaints about diversity in running, a sport dominated at the upper end by Kenyans.

Well, yes, but all those Kenyans are in far-off places like Kenya. How many Kenyans are in your local running group, the one the diversity-complainers see every day?

I read you as saying that Israel should be acting differently. Was that a misreading?

If so, what is your proposed course of action for them?

Will do, thanks!

Is there a reliable base of consooming nerds? Star Wars toy sales are the metric I use, and star wars nerds and normies aren't buying sequel trilogy shit. Its all clone wars cartoon era stuff and original trilogy. BSG starbuck sex swapping is a really popular example, but to my mind it is a bad one. The overlap of BSG2 vs original BSG fans is pretty slim, most BSG2 fans are sci fi starved nerds who wanted anything after babylon 5 and star trek went off the air. Space 1999 and Andromeda unfortunately did not catch on, and the race/gender 'swaps' of BSG2 were ultimately incidental.

Okay, that's the kind of thing where you have to make your case.

You were warned for this exact behavior a while back. One day ban this time.

On that note, if you've ever owned The Crew, check out the Stop Killing Games campaign! Ubisoft may try to twist the past, but you can change the future!

If the Inquisition was started to prevent witch hunts, then why is it that we now conflate Inquisitors with witch-hunters and torturers?

He does seem cleverer and more well-adjusted than SBF, but fundamentally he is making the same kind of gamble. Sam Altman thinks that there is a non-negligible probability that AGI will destroy the world, but he is building it anyway.

In what universe is this the same kind of gamble as placing double-or-nothing bets with other people's money until you inevitably bust?

No, they used another (consenting) actress's voice who happens to sound a lot like Scarlett Johansson.

Scarlett Johansson doesn't have an IP right to "female voices that sound vaguely like Scarlett Johansson." As long as they can produce the receipts to show that this is actually what happened, she'd have no case.

That Altman referenced "Her" does not really bear on this. You can like or dislike the world portrayed in Her. Personally I found it a pretty uplifting vision of what a near-singularity future could look like, at least up to a few minutes before the ending. And you can like or dislike the voice that they demoed. Personally I can't stand it, and the sultry, flirty, overtly sexy affect really doesn't appeal to me. (But I'm a homo, so presumably I'm not the target audience, and maybe I'd be a big fan of some Josh Hartnett soundalike with an analogously please-fuck-me inflection, I dunno.) But neither has anything to do with whether Scarlett Johansson has somehow been wronged. She hasn't.

In any event, my distaste for the voice apparently was widely enough shared that they nixed it. But that just reflects a decent product sensibility and indicates nothing about this incredibly stupid attempt at a gotcha by you or all of the anti-progress Redditors who are joining you in hate-jerking over this as we speak.

Back in the day, fathers and brothers would take it upon themselves to defend the woman's honor. If a man slept with a woman under false pretenses of a long-term relationship and then just abandoned her, they would beat the crap out of him, ostracize him, and possibly even kill him.

We can't do that in modern society and, while the rule of law is useful and helps protect people from threats of violence for less significant offenses, I think something was lost here.

It is a testament to how completely fucked up our relationship norms are that sex by the third date is not considered a big deal, but dropping the L-Bomb (saying "I love you") is huge. The modern dating script is that you fuck someone before deciding whether you love them or not. And you move in with them before getting married. It's absurd.

Speaking for myself, I didn't see any point to dating in high school or college, because I always knew that I would move states afterwards and didn't want to have to breakup. In college my Mom would tell me that I could be a little less practical.

Now that it's been 10 years I realize that the whole point of my Ivy league education was to meet people and that dating would have been a better use of my time than doing my homework. But at the time I didn't understand.

What do you want exactly, in concrete terms?

Common knowledge that the Sexual Revolution was a catastrophic failure, on its own terms and according to its own values. Common knowledge that sex has immutable consequences deeply rooted in human psychology and instinct, and that no amount of social engineering is going to change that. Past that, I'm just here to watch Truth emerge from her well to shame the world, and to gather useful examples for teaching my kids and my nieces and nephews about how not to ruin their lives.

As I recall, Trump had to use Customs and Border Patrol to do it.

And I think we should move our cultural navigational aids more towards being anti-hook up culture without moving all the way back to purity culture.

Does she earn a lot?

I believe so, I don't know her exact numbers but she happily took an OF career over a law career.

You think a good outcome for a young woman is being a 24 year old amateur porn actor/producer?

If she's making good money off of it, then yeah, all the power to her. I'm more concerned about the men who pay for it tbh, I'd expect most of her subscribers are lonely men who aren't able to get any consistent romance in real life so they pay to get a scrap of personalized sexual attention from her. But I think what I interpreted to be her proposed solution, that woman be more selective with who they sleep with and avoid hook ups with fuckboys(aka Chads in incel lingo) and that they hold out for relationships, would lead to better outcomes for men too.

I was admittedly both rather low agreeableness and not particularly hot, and also unlikely to be friends with Ms. Khalidi. But it doesn't take all that much willpower to not invite a man into your dorm room on the first date after getting burned a couple of times?

I've never been a fan of condemning someone's solution without offering your own alternative.

Why can't we? For the entirety of human history aged out hookers were likely to be STD ridden and have low human capital, that's no longer true.

It seems like eventually the college girls would learn to say things like "I want a romantic relationship, not a one night stand" and hold out against the "why's" with their experiences of disappointment?

That does happen, but is also impeded by men putting a lot of effort into deceiving women they want more than hook ups, then not doing hook ups. And some women also being horny enough at times to go along with it even if they regret it later.

I know with certainty the answer is no.

You got step 1 and step 2 down.

Uh, you can’t change society in that way. Aged out hookers have been socially disgraced and impoverished for the entirety of human history.

It seems like eventually the college girls would learn to say things like "I want a romantic relationship, not a one night stand" and hold out against the "why's" with their experiences of disappointment?

It seems like they don’t do this because teenaged girls(which is what they are) aren’t capable of regulating their own emotions well enough to say no to a guy their interested in.