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Why put the word consecutive at all in there if the intention was to forbid nonconsecutive terms?

People who played Elden Ring on release were already 11 years late to the party. I like it, but it's de-facto Dark Souls IV. Not just mechanically, even many specific weapons and specific characters (welcome back, dear old friend Patches).

Triple A sucks because they ironically make too much money, so they can afford to hire way too many people. Add modern culture with its low hierarchies & trigger-happy hypersensitivity and you have a recipe for disaster. It's way too many cooks, and each cook is especially confident about the stuff they don't like, so everything ends up extremely bland, bloated or both.

Japanese culture doesn't really have these particularities. I strongly recommend Kojima's games in particular.

Other good news is that the indie scene is also stronger than ever. The modding scene, likewise. So it's quite easy to avoid the triple A slob, though some issues extend beyond it (for example, even indie devs lean significantly more woke than average).

Honestly the show lost its way pretty early on. Up to the point where the boys blow up Translucent, it worked because they had a clear goal (kill the supes) and were working towards that goal in a meaningful way. But after that? Homelander is an excellent villain, but the heroes have made no progress in their goals and mostly seem to have lost sight of what their goals even are. Choosing not to kill A-Train in particular demonstrated the lack of narrative direction that had crept in. Instead you get silly subplots about how Hughie doesn't feel like enough of a man.

Barbarossa Decree declared

Unlike Winston Churchill's genocide of Boers or America's extreme attempts to clear out insurgents in Vietnam, Germany was fighting an existential war and was going out hard on insurgents.

How many trials were provided to the people the US murdered with drone strikes?

The argument as I understand it is that the intention of the legislator was to prevent a single man ruling for too long whilst still allowing for enough time to enact an ambitious long term political program.

In this sense, having someone do two terms, retire, and then come back and do two more would probably be fine (though you'd have to start young). Your scenario would probably be fine too, maybe even if we're talking about a Putin/Medvedev situation.

But doing two, then doing some procedural shenanigans where you resign on your last day so somebody else is in the seat and it doesn't count as consecutive? That probably wouldn't be fine.

The question then is where on the spectrum between those two Macron's scheme is, and where on it would the CC put the line.

I think @George_E_Hale is right that they've cleaned or dumped stuff because in the morning they sometimes smell more like a dumpster than a ramen shop.

Within Japan, expatriate women from North America (US and Canada) or Europe are either: 1) Divorced 2) married to or the consort of a Japanese man. 1) Will be politically progressive 2) will be neutral, disinterested, or conservative

I have honestly been puzzled by every white woman I've met in Japan. They all seem a bit resentful; my cynical and uncharitable opinion is that they're experiencing for the first time what it's like to not be constantly pursued and indulged. The ones married to Japanese dudes also seemed a bit odd and not very satisfied, although I admit my sample size there is <5 so that might not be a fair generalization.

Guys with little hair but big bushy, Zeus-like beards will eventually annoy the shit out of me.

Overweight dudes with those bushy beards just ooze insecurity and usually act like they've got something to prove. Beards in general mark people as tryhard. Not all beards are bad though, I met a dude in his 50s who was small in stature but very lean. He had a medium length salt and pepper beard that made him look like some sort of frontiersman chad. I guess it works if you'd be equally confident clean shaven and don't seem like you're hiding behind the beard.

The allure of the smell of ramen shops is inversely related to the hour of day-- meaning in early morning the smell is revolting. Late night, enticing.

This goes for any restaurant that does agemono, too. Nightlife districts are putrid during the day. Reminds me of morning on Bourbon street, yuck.

I can't say no categorically, but I don't think so. The tea said to steep at 200 degrees, and my water can't have been that much above 200 (I'm at 5000 ft elevation so it's not like it gets to 212 to begin with). Maybe it was 205 instead of 200, but I have a hard time imagining the margin of error is that tight.

What about 3 terms, all with a term in between? That clearly complies, the intention can't be to cap at 10 years overall.

You asked a bot before checking the constitution?

Typically that goes "oh in season 8 some girl stabs the scary white ice king I guess, the end." Or "some girl has a mystic Jedi powerup and stabs the somehow-has-returned evil wizard guy I guess, the end."

The plot doesn't have to be good or make sense, the point is manipulating the audience to feel a certain way about themselves by feeding their insecurities, which in itself is the attraction of these shows to the target audience.

I don't know, if Current Thing hasn't moved on by the time the show finishes, maybe some brave Arab girl will magic-suicide-bomb Homelander somehow I guess, the end.
Then the audience will cry and go "the protagonist did the violence our self-inserts were too nice and principled to do. The service is over, pass round the collection plate for the Hamas bail fund"

The simple, self-evident fact that IQ is fit to a normal curve and you yourself don't seem to believe that a symmetric 15 point gap is equal across the domain is in and of itself a tacit admission that IQ is the wrong tool

Imagine two groups of children go to a themepark and want to hop onto a rollercoaster, which has a minimum height requirement of 105cm. One group of children has heights that range from 110cm to 150cm, and the other group has heights that range from 70cm to 110cm. The symmetric 40cm gap would not be equal across the domain - is this a tacit admission that height is the wrong measuring tool for the job? A simple 15cm boost would have a different effect on each group's ability to ride the rollercoaster, so how can you say that 1cm is equal to 1cm between the two groups?

She's an immunologist. You're going to have to go a bit further to convince me that she shouldn't be taken seriously than to say that you remember she was laughable. I realize there is a pretty strong anti-COVID-vaccination crowd here.

Again, though, I'm not sure who the self-professed liberals in the audience are supposed to be rooting for on the show.

Half of the Protags are trying to gin up social pressure against the sentient nuclear bomb with acute narcissism that is Homelander as if that'll keep him from killing everyone, the other half are trying to kill or hurt him but have been utterly inept at following through.

The stakes have been raised to the point where there should be no other priority but stopping Homelander, yet our main characters are still being given minor side plots to resolve as if this were an RPG and they're putting off the final boss battle both because they're underleveled and want to finish up the optional content before finishing the game.

If it is propaganda, then they're seemingly not clear on who is supposed to be the glorious hero of the revolution. Who is the Mao/Che Guevera/Vladimir Lenin of the story here?

Bangladeshi migrants are not a common feature of Russian economy

Indeed they aren't. But Asian migrants as a whole, are.

Yep. I fell for a few girls who had classic red flags (grew up without father. Claimed to be molested when younger. And/or were on various psych meds, for instance) and I BENT OVER BACKWARDS to be accommodating

This whole thing started with talk if "gynosupremacy", which I'd maintain is a twitter thing. If we're talking about a child of divorce on psych meds , it doesn't matter if she's larping as a tradwife - run!

The constitution says

le président de la République est élu pour cinq ans au suffrage universel direct. Nul ne peut exercer plus de deux mandats consécutifs

The whole question is this allows for a third nonconsecutive one or not. If the limitation is of more that two terms back to back or if the limitation is anything beyond two consecutive terms.

The literal reading of the text is ambiguous, though it's clear the intention way always to cap a man at 10 years.

You can't just slap a number system onto something and call it good. That's Stats 101. Even some more advanced numerical analysis can sometimes reach the literal opposite conclusion if done or designed incorrectly. On that same note, explanatory power is also insufficient if your categories are fundamentally flawed.

Not that I disagree, just want to make sure we're on the same page: the way I see it you just doused every single social science with gasoline, and are standing above them with a lit match in your hand. I don't mind getting rid of the HBD hypothesis this way, but I want to make sure that when the whole thing is done, you're not going to try and tell me that that little pile of ashes where "implicit bias" used to stand, is still a valid structure.

Sure it's not an issue with brewing? I used to hate the bitter taste of green tea until realizing I'd been steeping it 30 degrees too hot my whole life. Literally just screwed up every cup I ever drank.

I think you're missing the real point of it. Liberals love criticism of liberalism that goes "we need a Super-Hamas-Man to just literally murder the enemy we're too Nice and Honest to viciously stomp the way he deserves (btw this means trump and anyone who ever opposed the cause of the moment, we just want to make that unmissably obvious with the least subtle metaphors you've ever seen)".
That's why it's so stupid. It's done on purpose because it's supposed to be Hutu-radio level murder propaganda with the barest hint of plausible deniability so they can sneer at anyone for pointing it out.

This is classic 2016-2020 liberalism self-criticism designed to morally excuse themselves for having handed the keys of society to violent leftists. Self-identifying as the wishy washy liberal who TV says should just get out of the way and let the death squads work is masturbatory denial of responsibility, because it gives them a passive role to follow.

"MLK hated white moderates like us, so we'd better stay silent and give money to the antifa arson squads whever the TV tells us to" was half of reddit in 2020. This is just a more developed form of that.

I doubt part of the job description of a party leader is make unilateral decisions over alliances for the party with zero discussion.

I've read at least one damning review of him from a source I've no reason to distrust.

The whole article is a good case study for the 'modus tollens' discussion upthread -- the author seems to hate him for being anti-vax, anti-gmo, anti-pest/herbicide, and the fact that (horrors) "Andrew Huberman, Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, and Aaron Rodgers are all buddies with RFK Jr."

I should think that these views are all popular (and pretty well correlated, to boot) in a proportion of the population roughly equivalent to his polling numbers!

If the question is did the Nazis hate Slavs as a race as much as they hated Jews the answer is clearly no, as they were willing to work with groups such as the Croatian Ustaše and Ukrainian collaborators when it suited them, and their plans for Russia involved killing and starving the local population not because of their ethnic background but simply because they were there. In a practical sense of course it made little difference to the people on the receiving end of such brutality what exactly was going through the heads of those who ordered it.

Yep. I fell for a few girls who had classic red flags (grew up without father. Claimed to be molested when younger. And/or were on various psych meds, for instance) and I BENT OVER BACKWARDS to be accommodating.

My efforts were not recognized or appreciated or reciprocated, and ultimately the relationships failed in EXACTLY THE WAY you would expect given the stereotypes. Total waste of time and effort to achieve a predictable result.

Eventually you get sick of ignoring your gut and taking a chance on the hope that you found a diamond in the rough.

As far as I know, the ex who dumped me prior to our wedding hasn't found another long term partner in the 3 years since.

Suggests it wasn't a me problem.

Arguably sociopaths. My understanding of demons in Frieren is they evolved to lack empathy. They understand that humans will lower their guard if you tell them your parents or your children died, but they don't fully understand why because they can't feel familial love or sadness. There's even a demon who is portrayed slightly sympathetically as he alternates between helping and torturing humans because he's trying to see if he can experience emotions.