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I don't know a ton of specifics around Cocoa but my understanding was that it was particularly resistant to automation which is why there hasn't really been any agribusiness trying to tackle it.


But the options are still “make the case” or “ignore.” Can’t just appeal to that immune response. Them’s the rules.

Same deal as how you’ve talked about religion. Even if you and I think it’s bunk, we’ve got to write with the intent of reaching theists.

What of these roles that I could find on /r/combatfootage would you describe as "the front lines"

I would define frontline in a similar way to you. Frontline = high risk of death + proximity to enemy forces. Whether a particular role is front line would depend on how many people died doing it, but many of those roles could definitely be considered front line.

Yup. Under discussion, sorry.

I think there's a steelman to 'expanding welfare forever.'

I agree, my ideal would be a slow transition of welfare to a cash transfer system (plus Medicaid for all), and then that can expand into a UBI if that's how the economy of the future goes.

Torres del Paine National Park in Chile. Mount Washington in New Hampshire.

Imagine if homes cost what they cost in the 1950s or 1960s when the US dollar and thus all currencies was tied to gold, before the moneyprinting extravaganza!

You could marry easily, casually buy a home as a low-skilled worker and pay it off quickly.

Across the West we had house prices falling compared to household incomes up until the early 1970s, then they treaded water before rising continually. That was the exact time the gold standard was buried. At the same time, household incomes were rising as women entered the workforce. Houses have been getting more expensive since we left gold. At the same time, houses have gotten a bit larger and a bit better but not that much better (and they should have been getting cheaper due to technology as well). Houses turned from a mass-manufactured good into investments, fertility rates have nose-dived and there's huge wealth transfer from young to old. The old were lucky enough to buy before the full effects of moneyprinting kicked in.

Mostly with a mortgage that is always getting cheaper to pay

Not if central bankers get caught with their pants down and jack up interest rates from 3% to about 7% when they realize they printed too much. The US is getting dangerously close to fiscal dominance where accumulated debt becomes too expensive to allow high interest rates, ending in persistently high inflation.

What is a "real lender"

Someone who's not a central bank. The US has been issuing more bonds than there is demand for, so the Fed bought back the bonds with printed money, increasing inflation.

No, it's through contact with the Britons, not the French.

Father Christmas is giving Susan permission to fight,

Modern progressives have focused exclusively on the valor of action in order to share this spoil with women, while ignoring both how much war sucks and how few women actually want to do all the shitty bits of combat, including the killing. The reason women weren't shoved into the frontlines for war wasn't because of sexism, its because most women can't do the really shitty bits of war as well as men: marching with heavy shit, digging, being transported in uncomfortable deathtraps without puking, having some asswipe yell at you just to keep your head screwed on, sleeping in odd positions. Fuck, most MEN can't do that shit, which is why all-volunteer militaries outperform unwilling conscripts.

In modern hollywood we largely see women being graceful acrobatic spinny shits, or snipers/pilots/archers, anything that stops them being up close to shit that punches back. Wheedonified tiny women acrobatically backflipping dudes into walls or vidya chicks stabbing weightless blades through armored trolls has given a throughly wrong impression that men and women have 0 physical difference, both because of political correctness and progressive men being gym allergic 'intellectuals'.

Women being given 'permission' to fight just makes them ballerinas getting military medals instead of flowers at the end of a performance, not chumps getting chewed out by artillery or dying from malnutrition. Frontline fighting sucks, get your free applebees by doing shit meatheads hate, like safety PowerPoint

England lost a lot of people to emigration in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Maybe the ambitious ones mostly left.

Nova Scotia does have a lot of people of Scottish descent (including me), but it was actually given its name when the colony was granted to a Scottish Earl at a time when the inhabitants were all French or indigenous and 150 years before Scots began to settle there in significant numbers.

I play co-ed hobbyist sports but nothing professional. A women who lifts takes creatine and can do Frontflips can be more athletic than 20% of men aged >40. Obviously this doesn't describe many women but this maybe describes the top 1% of women which corrisponds to roughly 100% of women on the real front lines.

I suspect that this is where the 5,000 number comes from. But if women are being used on the "frontline" to save men for the actual frontline then "frontline" is a pretty meaningless term.

There's a big issue that's hard to mention which is that "frontline" can mean "any combat role where getting shot at is a real concern" (which is why I suspect it's 2% of the UKR army) and "guy in the trenches". What of these roles that I could find on /r/combatfootage would you describe as "the front lines"

  1. artillery gunner who is firing at russians 30km away
  2. driving a tank 1 kilometer away from the enemy?
  3. manning a pillbox shooting a shotgun at incoming drones?
  4. Somebody controlling drones dropping granades?
  5. Manning a helicopter firing rockets?

I suspect the 5k would call all 5 "front line". I would probably exclude 4.

I like to pretend it's all a very long con to implement their preferred one-state solution: "king Carlos of Jerusalem"

American newspaper headlines tend to provide both the city and the country, whereas their British counterparts only provide the city.

To be fair, though, North America has lots and lots of duplicate names, or duplicate-sounding names, for places (the majority of the states in the Union have a "Springfield"). No mandate for uniqueness between ~60 distinct polities and importing a bunch of people who decided to name things after the places they came from for some reason (when they weren't just calling them "New Whatever" in whatever their native language was; sometimes that got translated [New Mexico], sometimes it didn't [Nova Scotia], and rather humorously the former refers to a New World nation itself).

The same thing is true for London, to a degree; there are more than 5 cities and towns named that on the continent (and for bonus points, one of them is a relatively major city). Or Exeter: do you mean the one in NH, RI, Ontario, or the original one in the UK?

And the copying isn't even limited to Old World nations; does "Ontario, CA" refer to the province of Ontario, Canada? Or does it refer to the city of Ontario, in California? Did that event happen in Vancouver, BC; or was it Vancouver, WA? (Bonus points for being only a few hours away from other.) Which Grand Forks do you mean? And so on.

[Come to think of it, if Mexico was still called New Spain, would New Mexico have been called New New Spain? Newer Spain? If after that, an Iberian colony ship lands on a habitable planet would they call it Newest Spain? If they launched two would it be New Newest Spain?]

These don't look like hipsters at all though. They look like preppy rich kids.

Yes, quite probably. He was certainly a critic of merely cultural Christianity.

I've noticed a trend in character creation along those lines - 'male' and 'female' in character creation are replaced with 'body type 1' and 'body type 2', and then player characters are referred to exclusively as 'they'. World of Warcraft is an example of this. It frankly makes me feel very uncomfortable and aggressively dehumanised.

What I find most frustrating about it is that it seems like the progressive case against doing this should be obvious - removing all gendered words and enforcing a single pronoun on everyone seems like, well, misgendering. If you took seriously the concern that using the wrong gendered language for someone might be cruel or even traumatic, it seems like you should be sensitive to this, and want to provide more options, rather than throwing everyone into a de-gendered basket of 'they'.

I conclude that they do not in fact take seriously that concern, and that it was and is not the actual underlying motive. Or at least, if there's a motive along the lines of "don't be cruel", it is not applied evenly to everyone, and indeed making certain types of people uncomfortable might be good.

Don't make the mistake of thinking management == business.

I'm actually fan of disciplined and standardized management. I like that a lot of MBA grads are kind of robots like that - it creates more standardization and predictability across public markets.

But I've seen some awful-hilarious situations in which a McKinsey style cyborg thinks they can "Start a Business" because of all of their wonderful management experience and quickly realizes (or doesn't) that .... they always already had an organization to manage. Operating without that org was impossible.

These people are systems operators. Again, it's a skill I greatly admire (especially at scale and complexity. I've often wondered what it would be like to be a shipping executive, for instance) --- But it isn't "business" in the sense of determining what to bring to a market, what market need your offering solves, how to price it, how to sell it, how to appeal to customers etc. etc.

I can meet you half way and maybe rephrase "business" to "entrepreneurship" -- but that just risks making my point even more obvious. Very few schools even attempt to "teach" entrepreneurship and those that do are often the butt of jokes - deservedly so.

Me too. Can't stand his films or Michael Moore's, but they sure are popular and have made some impact. Most people are not very good at figuring out how seriously they should take something, but love a good show. Moore and Spurlock are quite smart in that sense, and stuff like that will get more attention than any sort of proof.

You don't know what "new age woo" means? It means crystals, and 3rd eyes and chakras and acupuncture. Sailing over a garden before defeating a thief with nothing but the moral righteousness of an unchained spirit falls into that same catagory for me.

There is no "secret knowledge. It either works, and it becomes science and medicine and known physical laws, or it doesn't and should be consigned to the dustbin of history. This kind of just so story and navel gazing philosophizing falls deeply into the second catagory for me. I've know too many wanna be self help gurus. It becomes an immune response after a while. Basically, it is all BS unless you can prove something or test something.

Bill Bryson described one aspect of American culture as "London, England" syndrome. American newspaper headlines tend to provide both the city and the country, whereas their British counterparts only provide the city. He used this to illustrate a point that Americans aren't stupider than Brits, but rather their culture is set up in such a way that they aren't required to expend mental effort on simple cognitive tasks in the way that citizens of other nations are. In other words, the brain is a muscle - don't exercise it, and it atrophies.

thanks for the recommendation!

Stephen Jay Gould, obviously.

...For some reason, my mental picture of Gould was always of a youngish guy, and pictured the guy in the books as old. It's weird how those things get cached in the brain.

Isn't Succession based on the Murdochs, though? Rupert is notoriously Australian, and it looks like all three of James, Lachlan and Elizabeth spent most of their careers outside the US.

Per Wikipedia, Logan Roy (the Rupert-equivalent) is British in-universe.

a 23 year old women might outperform a 45 year old man.

I take it you don't play co-ed sports. It might be worth an effort post, but there are lots of reasons why men are better than woman at combat that even this age gap wouldn't come close to erasing.

2% is fairly low. Frontline troops can mean Artillery gunners, FPV drone user ect, there are so many different combat roles in the military that they can find the least bad role for women to save more men for the infantrymen.

I suspect that this is where the 5,000 number comes from. But if women are being used on the "frontline" to save men for the actual frontline then "frontline" is a pretty meaningless term.

The UKR army is like 800k strong which translates to roughly 225k troops on the front.

Given ukraines manpower problems having 2% of your frontliners be women might be reasonable. After all while a 23 year old man is probably better than almost any 23 year old women a 23 year old women might outperform a 45 year old man.

2% is fairly low. Frontline troops can mean Artillery gunners, FPV drone user ect, there are so many different combat roles in the military that they can find the least bad role for women to save more men for the infantrymen.