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I think honestly the form of government is irrelevant for the most part. That’s mostly a tool, a means to the end of the business of doing government and that ideally the end goal of government should be a prosperous state filled with reasonably healthy, happy people. Right now, our current democracy isn’t delivering and probably won’t for the foreseeable future. And if it continues to not deliver, especially while micromanaging relations between people, I think we’ll sooner or later replace them with something else. What that something else is I can’t really predict. I think a properly tunes AI with a goal of human flourishing could do well for itself, but so could a monarchy or an oligarchy.

What are some general tips folks have for traveling? Specifically to make it a disconnected, distinct experience from your classic trip. Not necessarily “google local tourist spots” but ways to view a trip and time in a foreign location.

Arguably trans activists play fast and loose with the figurative/literal meaning of death for political footing. It's one thing for your opponents to disagree with you, but for them to genocide you (sic) gets a bit more attention. I do not doubt many using these terms imagine they are being very sincere and good-faith.

Edit: After reading further here I see that nothing I have written here adds anything new.

Except lots of American default whites are not aryan- even granting that aryan in racial use is kind of a fuzzy term, italian Americans and white hispanics are fairly large ethnic groups that most people would agree the term aryan excludes.

It's been almost a month. If you've read much more since you posted that, did whatever things we were talking about improve the reading experience?

I'm assuming most wouldn't even work, but there's a chance there might be some low-hanging-fruit that's surprisingly easy to produce.

This is most likely true but even so my assumption would be that governments are already ahead of the curve here. They have the capacity and interest to generate entire libraries worth of theoretical chemical weapons and also would have access to the relevant expertise to sort through the churn. The state already has a method for regulating broadly available dangerous compounds, like ammonium nitrate.

I think the problem you're having with the terminology here is due to trying to describe a coalition with varied heritages, interests, and purposes as a single group with solidarity.

The most commonly reported ancestries of non-Hispanic White Americans include German (13%), Irish (12%), English (9%), Italian (6%), French (4%), Polish (3%), Scottish (3%), Scots-Irish [Borderers] (2%), and Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, and Russian, each (1%) respectively. (Wikipedia)

Add in the Spain-ish whites, German-Mexicans (but not the German-Mexican Jews), Greeks, non-Jewish eastern Europeans, and the Roma, and now you have the entire pale rainbow.

Except the Ashkenazi.

I’d like to see people make noise about how underrepresented the Roma are in the Biden White House, for a change. Or perhaps overrepresented, but we don’t know because those aren’t the stats you wanted to retrieve and publicize.

All racial terms are fuzzy, Israel manages to define an ethnic Jew in a way that works in practice. There should be some category to refer to "non-Jewish European-descended" and Aryan was used to denote that group historically. Italians were regarded as Aryan even by Nazi racial laws FWIW, the term wasn't nearly as exclusive as the post-war lore has made it out to be. White hispanics are more complicated because there are some with entirely European ancestry and some with much less.

The problem with using Aryan is that you end up including Indian Brahmins, which, though they are rapidly growing in influence within the American (and British) elite PMC, certainly wouldn’t count as white in the way you’re intending it.

The groups you refer to split in a natural way into: Irish, Italian, French, Polish (Catholic) and German, English, Scottish, Scots-Irish, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish (Protestant). Russians confuse me. There might be some Catholic Germans, but if there are, they know who they are.

A split by ethnic religion would capture the main division, which is between those groups that arrived before the Civil War, and those that arrived after. The latter were poorer and might still be. Hispanic people would join the newcomers if they still are nominally Catholic.

everyone that shows up and the natives don't matter

This is not a fair representation of what happened. While the vast majority Syrians who made it to Europe were accepted (under their current international obligations European nations didn't have a great deal of choice, they could hardly start refouling them to Syria), most applicants from nations like Nigeria and Pakistan were rejected, as well as about half from Sudan and others. Overall I think about half of all asylum applications were rejected in the peak of the crisis, which considering that somewhere in the region of half of all asylum seekers were Syrians, Afghans or Iraqis is hardly a scandalous figure.

I also think public opinion was not so decidedly anti-migrant as some imply. Over the 2015-2017 period ESS, Ipsos Mori and BES all have opposition to migration decreasing, (all slightly different wording) the former two with figures of under 50% for every year since 2014.

in a technical sense.

In the technical sense that nearly 100,000 soldiers left 2009-11, with remaining forces mostly there for embassy/consulate protection?

Alexander Vindman, central to one impeachment of Trump, was a Soviet citizen at birth, to a Jewish family in Kiev (at the time). Without any of that knowledge, I’d think him one of your “default white Americans”.

Nobody born outside of the country can ever be a default white American, they can only be a foreigner immigrant. I'd you want to be a default white American, you need both parents born in the country, and ideally at least three grandparents.

I'd apply the same qualifier to the default black American: both parents born in the country, and at least 3/4 grandparents.

But let's be real. You know what the phrase means, you just don't like the group it describes.

Why would the word Aryan include Indian Brahmins? We don't call Mexicans Spaniards. Just because there was an Aryan invasion of India doesn't mean the caste with the most admixture remaining from that extinct ruling class are the same race as the invaders.

Yes that's what the law says... so back to the question, why?

We’re not making much progress here. To conclude this discussion, it’s been alright, but it remains a mystery to me why you (forget the law) think the moral status of the victim should be irrelevant, when it clearly matters to an ordinary jury and to me, and I have given a few rationales for that instinct.

I’m not 100% sure what point you’re making. European nationalities have had a shared culture for over a thousand years (nota bene: this is not mutually exclusive to unique culture). This is thanks first to Christendom, then to the proliferation of philosophy and music and art and literature. This is obvious when studying history. They are also genetically similar, due to prehistory but also due to genetic proliferation of Celts and Germanics. While Europeans did not define themselves like the Ashkenazi in premodernity as based on bloodline, it is quite silly to allege that European Americans have no shared genetics or culture. So, why would we single our Jewish Americans? Four reasons. (1) They are the group over-represented, and I would be as perturbed if the Irish were as over represented. (2) Absolutely every group but whites put themselves into larger groups, which includes Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews. (3) They have their own unique religion, historical culture, (important in their minds) bloodlines, and intensive advocacy networks. (4) When people talk about white privilege, they may mean Jews if going by data, so a cultural correction is in order.

Let me know what you think. I see no argument for why it isn’t justifiable to mention Jewish over-representation when they are obviously their own unique cultural group within a large cultural tent, which any Rabbi would tell you.

My understanding is that the Brahmin caste in India is directly descended from the Aryan overclass who ruled the Indus Valley civilization, although they have obviously taken on substantial admixture from the indigenous Dravidian populations in the intervening millennia. Certainly their religion, their cultural outlook - including their caste system - and their enduring position of prestige in India are directly continuous with their Aryan past.

I'd the Mexicans today got treated like the Germans of the 20th century, they'd be default white within two generations.

That requires brutal suppression of their heritage and language, though.

I'm here to agree with this. The amount of technological progress means the only likely future is a tyrannical panopticon state. China is ahead of the times in that regard, and the boot is coming for your grandchild's face regardless of what happens in the next ten years.

The collapse of the American Republic happened in 1861 when our own Caesar killed it. He died for his sins, but his enemies couldn't undo what he did.

My understanding is that the Brahmin caste in India is directly descended from the Aryan overclass who ruled the Indus Valley civilization, although they have obviously taken on substantial admixture from the indigenous Dravidian populations in the intervening millennia.

The castes correlate with indo-european admixture, but it's still too low to resemble anything you would call a direct descendant, in the way you wouldn't call a mestizo a direct descendant of Europeans. It's a case of ethnogenesis. I haven't seen PCA/clustering with the caste systems compared to European groups but I imagine that would demonstrate this point as well.

It's also likely the caste system was created in response to racial changes among the ruling class, so substantial changes likely happened before the formalization of the caste system. Where are the conquistadores today? Even if a caste system were created in Latin America today, the upper castes would still have a substantial amount of indigenous admixture.

It's interesting to consider how the Spanish intermixed with the natives which the Anglos did not.

On the object level I somewhat agree, but your argument if taken seriously would disqualify all accusations of hypocrisy. It is totally fair to accuse your opponents of not following their own principles, and doing so doesn't require adopting those principles.

I am the group it describes. My ancestors came over on the Mayflower, in the New England Puritan wave, in the Pennsylvania Dutch wave, and whenever the Scottish (not Scots-Irish) came over. I drink cow milk and eat wheat and cheese with zero side effects.

What I don’t like is that “white” carries more weight than “American” for my political rivals, and hate that it’s carrying that weight for the enemies of my enemies.

In all seriousness, top companies had to have prepared PR teams for this scenario.

They very much haven't.

I think it is impossible to overstate just how far outside of the bounds of thought EY style doomerism has been and remains for... well, everyone except the "rationalists." It is literally impossible to talk about "AI safety" with normal human beings without them looking at you like you have two heads. The logic doesn't matter. The world runs on inductive reasoning, not deductive reasoning. Because "AI safety" has never been a problem in real life so far, it is literally impossible for normal people to understand it, much less take it seriously. If you try to explain it, you will notice that they cock their heads while they listen to you, and this is from the cognitive effort of rewriting your arguments in realtime as they hear them to be about jobs and racial bias instead of AI safety.

I am not an AI doomer. I ascribe to exactly your view with respect to Erlich and Yudkowksy, and it's well said.

But I am reporting to you, from the corporate front lines, that every single person in a position of authority has a brain defect that makes it literally impossible for them to understand the concept of "AI safety." They don't disagree with AI safety concerns; they cannot disagree with the concerns, because they cannot understand them, because when you articulate a thought about AI safety, the words completely fail to engender concepts in their brain that relate to AI safety. They cannot even understand that other people have thoughts about the concept of AI safety, except perhaps as a marketing ploy to overstate the the commercial utility of various AI-powered systems.

So the PR people have not planned a response, and the policy people have not engaged with the concept, and the executives have not been briefed, and you should expect large companies to continue acting as uncomprehending about the topic of AI safety as they would about the threat of office wall art coming to life and eating their children.

All of this puts the non-Jewish White percent at 28.5%, counting the Turkish and Arab names as White (and ignoring the probably ~2% Native American that Joe slipped in there). And so, among White House staffers, Whites are quite under-represented and Jews are enormously over-represented.

This is problematic


Do you feel "represented" by White Christian White House staffers?

Do you feel that Biden's WCWHS are "your people", do you think that they see you as "one of them", do you think that they are protecting your interests, do you think that they look at you with more kindness and gentleness than their Jewish colleagues?

I applaud your research tenacity.

In response to the Twitter replies to the tweet, and stepping back to look at a larger view, it seems plain that modern White identitarians (who are the main people making these (partly accurate) "observations" about the Jewish White House staffers, in the replies to that tweet) are making the same exact core mistake which many past White identitarians made.

The mistake is simple: they unnecessarily make enemies of Jews, instead of trying to encourage friendship and alliance. (In some situations enmity is absolutely necessary- like an imminent threat of death- but almost all enmity with Jews is quite unnecessary, because there are better options.)

(And I think there can be no mistake that most Jews reading that thread, even when they might think that all of the accusations are true and fair (and most won't think that) will become more fearful and opposed to White identitarians, not less opposed).

(This is a funny thing I have often observed- many people are more afraid and vengeful when faced with a completely true accusation, than with a false accusation. Accusing someone of something true won't protect you from their fearful lashing out!!! "The truth is an absolute defense" is only a legal doctrine, not a reliable social doctrine.)

If White identitarians really do believe that Jews are extremely powerful and ruthless (and some Jews can fairly be described this way, every group has members like this, and the powerful and ruthless Jews are perhaps particularly impressive), then those Jews are a dangerous enemy.

This is the core paradox at the heart of the anti-Semitic wing of White identitarianism (and also anti-Semitic Black Hebrews other anti-Semitic groups)- they claim that the Jews are incredibly powerful and dangerous, but then behave in a way which tends to maximize the threat from the Jews.

This creates the worst of all worlds, in which some Jews are encouraged to feel under threat (and they are a tiny minority group, so it takes less of a threat before they feel afraid enough to act on their fear), which tends to encourage their worst selfish and paranoid tendencies, which only makes the original problem worse.

(On an even broader level, this is the biggest mistake the Nazis made: making too few deep friends and allies, while also making too many enemies. And modern White identitarians seem to be sadly prone to making the same exact mistake. Not enough friends, and too many enemies.

It is possible to win while having some enemies, but you almost always need to have stronger friends than enemies. And long-term enmity from enemies tends to have a perpetually draining effect, it cannot be tolerated well long-term.)

If there is any chance whatsoever that the would-be dangerous Jews can be converted to friends instead of enemies, then that is obviously a much safer environment for the White Goys, is it not?


So, what approaches could White identitarians conceivably attempt, to gain more benefit from Jews, and less danger and aggravation?

It is hard to forecast in advance which approaches will work, so I feel it's important to first identify every single option with even the slightest chance of success.

These would be some of the options I would suggest to the White identitarians, to minimize the danger from the Jews and maximize the positive benefits.

-Stop treating Jews like a monolith. Hell, a lot of the Jews which cause White people the most grief, also cause the most grief to other Jews.

Quite a lot of the Jews which are the most damaging to "White" societies, are also highly damaging to Jewish communities, with their-

.financial exploitation and greed (on the ruthless capitalist side, like Bernie Madoff at the worst, scamming Holocaust survivors out of their nest eggs)

.promoting communism and socialism (draining the hard-working and rich Jews of their wealth)

.promoting pornography (some Jews hate that stuff)

.promotion of anti-racism & affirmative action, undermining Jewish group cohesion

.promoting pro-crime DAs

.promotion of affirmative action, which Jews have not been able to entirely escape even with all of their academic donations and high test scores

.some of the most effective anti-Israel people are Jewish, ironically

.media products with moral values many Jews disagree with

.Jews bringing embarrassment (e.g. Jeffrey Epstein), or starting wars and fights which bring danger to the broader Jewish community

... and so on

(This is an overall basis for why many Jews are actually more allied already with subsets of the White community, than with their fellow Jews. Like, many socially conservative Jews have more in common with socially conservative Whites, than they have with the peak secular Jews.)

Some of the best critiquers of Jews that I have ever known, were Jews themselves! Many of the most admirable Jews in history have spent centuries bearing the danger and burdens galvanized by their worst cousins. (Much like some of the most brave and beautiful Germans in history were raped and killed because of the greed and hatred and stupidity of key Nazis.)

-White identitarians should do more to appreciate and put front and center the Jews that are substantially on their side. A huge percentage of the most effective anti-Woke and pro-HBD communicators and political donors are Jewish.

It is hard to win friends and allies, if you fail to fully appreciate the friendship and alliance of the friends you already have. Don't make this mistake!

Off the top of my head, the following Jews are examples of those at least partially allied to you already (just to show it's possible): Chaya Raichik (libs of tiktok), Ben Shapiro, Mickey Kaus (immigration), Bill Maher has had some nice anti-Woke rants, Ron Unz, and so on.

Trump's biggest political donor, by FAR, was a Jew, Sheldon Adelson.

-Encourage as many Jews as possible to truly identify as White (in addition to identifying as Jewish, or even in place of identifying as Jewish, if they would prefer that, as some often have in the past).

With the incredibly high inter-marriage rates Jews have, most of their children and grandchildren will be even more European and less Jewish in their ancestry than they already are. They are already doing the work for you! Embrace it!

-I know that some White identitarians are opposed to "interracial" marriages, but if a White identitarian believes that Jews are the biggest enemy, and also believes that interracial marriages weaken the powerful, then perhaps the best way to weaken the powerful enemy Jews is to marry with them?

-Many White identitarians seem to glorify the conquests and kingdoms of the past, while failing to study them in any meaningful way and see just how many hard sacrifices and "marriages solely for alliance", even, which it took to build those kingdoms.

They simply need to study their history, and learn its lessons, to get some great ideas for the present.

-As many White identitarians as possible should make it clear that they have a group identity with Jews as a subset of White people, or at least "close enough".

We know that almost all of the founding mothers of the Ashkenazi Jews were genetically indigenous European Goys, for example.

When an ancestry test shows someone as "100% Ashkenazi Jewish", that just means they have the genetic markers of a particular ancestral population. It doesn't mean that 100% of their ancestors for all of time were Jewish, that wouldn't even be possible.

Ashkenazi Jews are almost all less than 60% Jewish in their ancestry, and due to later intermarriage, most are even less genetically "Jewish" than that.

And Sephardic Jews are genetically more closely related to European Goys, than nearly any other population on the planet. They are distant cousins on the human family tree.

-Recognize that because of the history of the Jewish Diaspora, there simply is no path to getting rid of all of the Jews. They live and thrive in too many places, to be completely killed off, even if there were a way to attempt it (which there isn't, realistically speaking).

-Make it clear that Jews are safer by identifying and acting as White, in addition to Jewish.

(This is the one positive possibility of suspicion of the Jews, like in that Twitter thread- if Jews feel fear of White identitarians, but no hope of safety, then they will lash out.

But if they are afraid, but also see a glide path to mutual happiness and success, most of them will be inclined to take it. But there MUST be a genuinely positive option for Jews to take, in order for this dangerous strategy to work.)

My assessment is that White identitarians and Jewish identitarians have done a fair amount to make the other side afraid, but not nearly enough to offer constructive alternatives and reasons to hope.

-Do more as White identitarians, specifically, to pointedly appreciate and admire any Jews which you can find admirable. People feel safer when they are appreciated and admired, and certainly more inclined towards friendship.

-White identitarians should do more to learn about the overall Jewish community, Jewish history, and Jewish culture. Jews appreciate that.

White identitarians should do this even simply as a way to "know the enemy" better, if they are convinced that Jews are indeed an enemy (or might become an enemy).

And if it turns out that White identitarians who study Jewish history and culture realize that some of their hatred isn't justified, that would save them immense amounts of energy and avoid them creating unnecessary danger for themselves.

(I've hit the character limit, this comment continues in my reply to myself)...