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I highly doubt that this particular trope would play as well in traditionalists societies. I don't think you can pin this on the WAW phenomenon because it manifests in the exact opposite way in certain cultures: it'd be considered immoral to send women into combat if it wasn't laughable as a concept.

I think there's a significant possibility of disagreement on that point. Wasn't Athena the goddess of war?

I'm sure there are many other examples, from the common witch to the royalty/divinity, where female characters gained the might to defeat men through supernatural means.

Another aspect of it is that having out-of-context female characters opens up different modes of storytelling such as romance, motherhood, which randomly making one of the character browner does not really do.

Right on both counts. No misspelled sea urchin weapon fighting style unfortunately

Empire of Dust

If anyone ever wants to understand Chinese racism, watch the documentary of the same name. Chinese are racist, yes, but the animating force is disgust at perceived incompetence. To have squandered the legacy of colonial infrastructure for no discernible private benefit and not even a permanent elevation of ones tribal standing strikes Chinese as a supreme and unnecessary waste.

Generally matches my experience too. Also I don't think I've encountered any women who have gone "oh no I've never done this tee hee", they were all pretty up front with their experience if the conversation went there, or did genuinely have little experience. Although it's not impossible I was taken in by excellent liars, I doubt it.

That depends on what you mean by 'succeeding.' Trump went into his first term with no plan for how to staff his administration. As I see it, the main goal of Project 2025 is just to work on that stuff in advance so that if Trump wins another term he won't have to start from scratch the day after the election. Will it revolutionize the US government forever? No. But at least this time he'll have a list of names he can draw from to fill government positions with loyalists.

And they don't really have to be competent. It would be an improvement over the first term if the bureaucracy was just not actively working against Trump's administration.

Right NOW there are endless attempts by academics and other leftists to prove that Europe was always filled by blacks and muslims in order to stymie opposition to mass migration. The ridiculous muslim viking for one, and all the kvetching about multicultural britain being deliberately excluded from history. The objective is to twist history to a postulation rather than a record, to serve a Current Thing. We already see the next evolution whereby Joan of Arc is trans. Don't be surprised if we discover Charlemange was actually a woman or that the Reconquista is just islamophobia.

Because anything else sets up a couple for a less good pair bond. The long forgotten reason purity cultures form is they are supposed to create a strong pair bond because the pleasure of sex is associated with only one person, their spouse. And without those strong pair bonds couples aren't willing to risk child rearing at population replacement levels.

I don't think the social technology to do it right is even possible to develop in a world where porn and birth control are legal and easily available.

How does using a voice that sounds like Scarlett Johansson's harm anyone? Perhaps it was illegal, but you shouldn't claim it was evil unless you can identify the harm done.

I'm not at all convinced that that "pair bonding" is a super significant phenomenon. I think it's quite likely that instead those stats reflect that women who want varied sex will have multiple partners before marriage, and then will also desire varied partners after getting married, leading to her divorcing or leading to her cheating which leads to divorcing. Especially since a lot of women who don't have sex before marriage come from cultures where divorce is socially unacceptable.

What would be more convincing is instead of stats about divorce, since that's distorted by women who're socially unable to divorce even if they'd want to, is stats on how much women who haven't had previous partners like their spouse.

Which is great for about the top 2 standard deviations but leaves the other 95% of the people drifting with far too few navigational aids.

No one thing Sam Altman has done sticks out as evil. You have to have followed events for some time in order to get a feel for the pattern. I get SBF vibes from him. He does seem cleverer and more well-adjusted than SBF, but fundamentally he is making the same kind of gamble. Sam Altman thinks that there is a non-negligible probability that AGI will destroy the world, but he is building it anyway.

In no particular order:

  • Her college sex and dating environment does sound pretty bleak.
  • Islam as represented by the people in her life also sounds pretty bleak in respect to women.
  • She does seem to be perpetuating some of the bleakness with camgirl activities and inviting romantic prospects to bed then ejecting them again, rather than just not inviting them.
  • As is sometimes said, it probably isn't to women's advantage that colleges are very female now. But it doesn't even seem cearly to men's medium term advantage, if the women come out jaded and thinking of men as basically beasts.
  • It seems like eventually the college girls would learn to say things like "I want a romantic relationship, not a one night stand" and hold out against the "why's" with their experiences of disappointment? It doesn't seem like most of them care all that much for the sex in and of itself, or are all that carried away in the moment aside from the effects of intoxicants they're choosing to take.

Trivially it harms the person whose voice was copied, which is why she was going to sue. Surely you wouldn't like it if one of the world's most powerful companies used AI to make a porn with your likeness, for example.

But that's not really the point. The point is that pretty much everyone who has ever worked with Sam paints him as some sort of Machiavellian genius. Certainly the episode with Reddit played out that way.

Perhaps this person shouldn't be in charge of the world's most important technology?

The reason I decided I'm not going to get a Tesla was basically like this. They updated the UI in a software update so that the defrost function was no longer on the screen, but in a menu. I already thought that having a touchscreen instead of physical controls was a horrible idea, but I was barely willing to tolerate it if the UI didn't change. But since they are willing to just push out UI changes like that, I'm never going to buy a Tesla. It is flat out dangerous to have to stare at a screen (because they moved shit on you) while operating essential features of the car.

Federal forces obeyed their orders to suppress BLM riots, there just weren’t very many such orders.

She was casting a great deal of shade on magazines for girls, probably produced by women. In general she seems to think that older women are failing to appropriately guide younger women, both going on about the devil and hell, and suggesting that anal sex and being hit with a riding crop are things girls are likely to enjoy.

It’s honestly bad manners not to sleep around if large parts of society.

That seems like a reasonable enough thing to be pushing back against.

It’s honestly bad manners not to sleep around if large parts of society.

What? That's insane and I find it very difficult to believe. To be clear I'm not trying to accuse you of lying, but your statement is so incongruous with my experience of the world that I can't reconcile the two.

why doesn’t social justice have a credible competitor

Because social justice women put out.

Social justice is a religion, and followers of competing religions have a mild form of chastity nominally attached to it. Social justice has female empowerment and reclaiming sexuality as available tenets, so men signalling their adherence to the religion have a vector to get pussy. High ordered religious/cultural societies relied on sanction of elders to curate mate suitability, but in social justice men have easy access to female curated spaces by just doing performative self abasement.

You can see social justice being unpopular in societies where elder curation is not a barrier to sexual availability, even for nominally religious societies. Religious southeast asian muslim women are notoriously promiscuous and sinic irreligiosity means there is no need for an alternative religion to attract females.

Social justice in the west is the defiled temple with vestigal nuns told to spread their legs for feminism. It sucks.

There’s a few comments below calling the article time wasting for its obvious triteness. That’s basically true, but it does serve a valuable function of reframing obvious but inconvenient truths for an audience that does not want to hear them.

The motte is not the intended audience for that article. Nor are tradcons. Progressives who deeply believe there is nothing wrong with casual sex are, that sex isn’t a big deal, that it certainly doesn’t need to be reserved for anything in particular.

Now this has to reconcile with the facts of biology, which is that a negligible percentage of otherwise mentally healthy women desire casual sex while a large portion of young men do, that teenaged girls are, on average, simply not competent to make their own relationship decisions, and that many young men have no real desire for a relationship or emotional bonding.

What all that adds up to is that a culture which considers casual sex normal and acceptable is bad for women, not in the sense of being rape culture- although sure, that’s probably pretty close to the Bailey definition of rape culture- or devaluing women or whatever- although you can make a case it does devalue women, I’m not doing that right now, and this Muslim virgin stripper(only one in the world, I presume) definitely isn’t- but in the sense that it’s choosing who gets the short end of the trade off between male and female preferences, particularly in scenarios like college campuses where very closely age matched and very young men and women interact unsupervised. And feminism is a class interest movement for upper class urban educated women, so you can expect them to turn against casual sex when they have an opinion on it.

It seems like eventually the college girls would learn to say things like "I want a romantic relationship, not a one night stand" and hold out against the "why's" with their experiences of disappointment?

It seems like they don’t do this because teenaged girls(which is what they are) aren’t capable of regulating their own emotions well enough to say no to a guy their interested in.

Uh, you can’t change society in that way. Aged out hookers have been socially disgraced and impoverished for the entirety of human history.

You got step 1 and step 2 down.

I know with certainty the answer is no.

It seems like eventually the college girls would learn to say things like "I want a romantic relationship, not a one night stand" and hold out against the "why's" with their experiences of disappointment?

That does happen, but is also impeded by men putting a lot of effort into deceiving women they want more than hook ups, then not doing hook ups. And some women also being horny enough at times to go along with it even if they regret it later.