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It was when Afrikaans society was forming, I believe. British observers noted the african Dutch to differ from euro Dutch by being poor religious fundamentalists who married their teenaged cousins- which sounds like a pretty good description of partially dehajnalizing to me.

Oh what do you know, it's actually biased in whites' favour somehow. You know, unless you are in the armed forces, or the police, or the media, or working for the royals, and so on.

The first article is about a case where an employment tribunal ruled the discrimination was unlawful and awarded compensation to the victim. The third article, unless I am misreading it, doesn't quite support your point, either.

What about the Irish?

Twitter didn’t generate much previously but it was also overly bloated and hadn’t thought through different ways of monetizing user base. Curious if now it is (or will become) profitable.

The eugenics side won didn't they? It was the law of the land in the 20s and 30s. The progressives changed their mind on it after WW2 because it was associated with the Nazis, but it wasn't stopped by opposition from outside the progressive camp.

I think the money aspect is the one that really affects the DEIB project. When there's lots of cheap cash sloshing around, you can afford diversity co-ordinators and hiring people in programming socks because it's a small amount of the budget and you need those sweet, sweet ESG scores. When money gets tight, people start considering their spending. Maybe they can't afford that trip to Disneyworld after all. Certainly they will look at cancelling their streaming service subscriptions. Or maybe they buy your competitor's cheap watery beer because you were a bit too clumsy openly expressing your disdain for them, and all of a sudden the best time of the year for sales starts looking the opposite.

This is when companies discover that in reality, the trans population is 0.1% of the total, and there are a lot more ordinary people who might be okay with Pride parades but get a bit woozy when faced with Fairy Godmother Apprentices interacting with their young daughters, no matter how fabulous the TikTok mommies think he is.

Who cares who stopped it and how if it still eventually failed?

Of course, probably the biggest "progressive ideology that was widely predicted to inevitably win but then failed" was not eugenics but Marxism-Leninism.

Limited user data for Reddit is an issue. They can’t target ads as well or have the data to upsell ads.

I wouldn’t be shocked if Twitter ends up being a gold mine. But that’s in part because Musks will adds products like payments.

Wishing death on your outgroup seems to be your routine, for which you've been banned repeatedly and you keep coming back to do it.

You also keep changing the groups you think deserve to die. First it's Catholics, then it's white nationalists, then it's Jews.

Maybe you're just an equal-opportunity hater, but I think you're a troll. Banned. Duration TBD, but probably permanent.

Can’t remember the source, but LGBT people are actually really poor when you adjust for geography(functionally all of them live in cities) and trans people in particular are basically minimum wage slaves.

I've seen commentary around this that the face of LGBT movement in the gay marriage activism was white guys, but the reality was that most LGBT people are POC, poor(er), and often involved in sex work. The two middle-class guys with a lot of disposable income and the gayby engendered via surrogacy were not the majority or the reality (hence, I suppose, why Pete and Chasten got pilloried as not being 'real' gays).

I wondered if the drivers would just leave the cement to harden, which would be a real damage but if the union told them to avoid this by leaving the trucks run, then it's on management if they couldn't get it all decanted in time. Yeah, this was a wedge the union was using ("come to an agreement or kiss your deliveries goodbye") but they did make the effort to avoid the worst.

No, getting out of the truck, turning off the engine, and walking away leaving the cement to harden and knowing this would happen and intending it to happen would be purposely causing damage.

Leaving the trucks running and putting it on the employers to get the cement decanted isn't the same thing. You might consider there's a risk the company couldn't get it out in time, but that's not the same as knowing they couldn't.

On Facebook and Instagram, 100% of users are “logged in”. That means Meta likely has their date of birth, sex and name. Users who post content (a substantial proportion of Facebook and Instagram users) share their picture, location tags on the places they’ve been and - in most cases - their whole list of real-life friends and social connections (as friends/followers) with Meta.

On Reddit, most users aren’t logged in. Most users who are logged in never post or comment. They certainly don’t share their real face, age or in most cases gender directly with Reddit. The issue on Reddit is therefore a hybrid of Twitter’s issue with lurkers (which implemented an extremely harsh login wall that even Elon Musk has maintained, so even scrolling down on someone’s Twitter forces an unblockable pop up demanding sign-in), and anonymous forums’ issues with anonymity.

You can predict that an account that follows a college subreddit, the NFL subreddit, the Tinder subreddit and some videogame subreddits is a young, single, college-age male, but that’s nowhere close to the data that Meta has on that person’s account.

Reddit is trying to do what Instagram and TikTok did, and what Twitter is trying to do, by attempting to force all regular users into making an account even if they just want to scroll through this week’s top fifty cat gifs or the latest ice hockey news. Third party apps often provide a very high quality signed-out user experience that Reddit wants to kill, plus they often reduce or remove ads and reduce or remove the additional feature (like avatars) that Reddit uses to try to encourage users to make accounts and engage more with personalizing their profile (and so being more likely to add further data points to be sold to advertisers).


Isn’t it late for that, since the bulk of the website has already been scraped and is available in existing training data?

How do these API changes enforce GDPR?

I thought the general understanding is that the Nazis did well with the provincial lower-middle class, ie. artisans and shopkeepers, and attracted some poor rurals and some elites (in smaller proportions). Urban proletarians largely voted for communists or social democrats.

I mean, you'd want it to know where its infrastructure is so you can train it to protect that infrastructure. That does make some sense.

This is somewhat unfalsifiable, but my guess is that we don't see all the work they do. Poorly-modded subs will have dozens of duplicate crypto-scam posts a day. My guess is that most of the mod work is removing spam and banning extremely obnoxious users, and only a small amount of time is spent enforcing political dogma.

Without mods, a handful of people could brigade and take over a sub pretty easily. Imagine if 100 people upvoted everything they posted and downvoted everything else.

I think that’s another good leftist example, yeah (assuming you meant it as leftist and not rightist).

The reason I asked this question was because this feels like a specifically leftist phenomenon to me - these speech patterns and tics that aren’t inherently political themselves, but still end up getting used repeatedly by leftists. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed any similar words associated with the right, but that could just be my own bias that I can’t see through. The right certainly has many memes like “based” but I don’t think it’s the same thing.

I agree to an extent. At the same time, plenty of people in ‘Obama’s class’ have trans kids. I know a few and know of more; it just doesn’t make the news that, say, Jamie Dimon has a trans kid (he doesn’t as far as I know). Elon Musk has a trans kid. Jennifer Pritzker is trans. Are there many ultra-rich trans people? No, but there aren’t many in general. The ultra-rich aren’t, by and large, secretly conservative in their politics even if wealthier people by and large practice more socially conservative lifestyles than the very poor.

Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Bernard Arnault, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Stephen Schwarzmann, Henry Kravis, Warren Buffett, even Elon Musk when he isn’t 🤔posting to own the libs on Twitter have extremely “normie” political views in public and in private. At most, they’re socially conservative to the level of tens or hundreds of millions of Americans. Maybe 1% of billionaires are secretly harboring ultra-edgy politics, but the same is true of everyone else. For the most part, the super rich and super powerful watch the same media as everyone else, send their kids to elite colleges that teach exactly what you think they do, and are fully invested in the general ideological current of the present.

Reddit’s going to keep producing terabytes of new content every year and that content will be valuable for training new models in the future.

Obviously reddit doesn’t really care about the mere fact that a GPT-4-level LLM exists, but they do have an interest in protecting content related to, say, a niche hobby that was only invented in January 2023, and they want to continue to be the source that people go to for this content.

Even within the SSPX there will be people whose grandparents or great-grandparents decided during Vatican II that their families were going to pursue a moral traditionalist interpretation of Catholicism and just went with it (and who now merely see it as their family’s church) and the more zealous converts who regularly read First Things and go on tradcath forums and decide to deliberately pursue membership of their local SSPX congregation for pure ideological reasons in the 21st century.

Based, Seethe and Cope were co-opted by online leftists though, you see them all the time on Tumblr and Twitter from the usual crowd.

How can I find (without being predatory), the type of women that are in my league? Yes, go outside…but around 80 to 90 percent of the people in my local Wal-Mart are more attractive than I am. And the percentage is even higher for any of the common suggestions…bars, yoga, running groups. They all have jobs, are able to maintain basic hygiene, aren’t 400 pounds, if they’re using stuff like meth or heroin they’re hiding it very well.

Bonus points if there’s a low risk of being killed, maimed, or thrown in jail. Anything I can think of is basically predatory and as such not something I’m comfortable doing.

Like. Given that most people that can hold down a job, have the ability to live independently (1), and keep a roof over their head are out of my league…how do I find someone that’s reasonable, without being a predator. Preferably while staying above ground and out of jail…if you’re sleeping with crackheads that’s gross. Maybe there’s an honorable way to do that, and maybe I’m basically expected to be a combination friends-with-benefits and social worker to someone like that. But how might I make that happen in a more or less ethical way?

Yeah. I know that what I’ve posted sounds gross. It is. Are there OK ways to engage with this grossness, leave her better than I found her, and be a decent man in spite of it? If I’m expected to be celibate for life because short ugly sperg, I get that. I understand that there are no good outcomes for me with respect to dating and relationships. I’m looking for the least-bad option here.

(1): not someone that has the skills to live independently but cannot afford it - like a McDonald’s worker that lives with her mom. That’s fine; if she got promoted to manager or just got $60k/year she could live in an apartment or something without trashing the place. I’m talking more about shit like ‘being mentally ill and removing the toilet from its mountings’. True story - I know a guy that worked with the homeless and said that many of them fucked up their housing and apartments by doing shit like this.