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Openly launching multiple criminal trials against a political opponent leading up to an election is something even Putin hasn't done.

I mean, technically I'm not sure he's done multiple against a single opponent, but since convicted criminals can't run for President in Russia, and Putin has tight control of the courts, he only needs the one. And this is, in fact, his primary method of preventing election losses; IIRC he's done it to several candidates that looked like they were gaining steam.

Of course, the fact that Putin does, in fact, abuse disqualification is no defence of the tactic.

Judging by precedent, studiously ignoring them seems to be a popular option.

My guess is that the Dems would go for a moderate, because throwing in an opposing partisan would get them in internal trouble but they'd want to be seen as not validating political murder. Except, well, in point of fact replacing an opposing partisan with a moderate still is validating political murder, so the Rubicon gets crossed anyway.

Openly launching multiple criminal trials against a political opponent leading up to an election

What should a 'normal democratic leader' do if a political opponent appears to to have committed multiple crimes leading up to an election?

Yeah, nitroglycerine is a vasodilator (prodrug to nitric oxide); it's still used medically for such.

No, people like a strong horse, not a dead horse. If Trump is assassinated, the Democrats think "good!" (and we probably have a few stories celebrating it, including on major media though those will be quickly toned down) and the Trump base is demoralized, leading to a Biden landslide.

That would almost certainly ensure a DeSantis or Younkin presidency depending on the time the assassination happened (Younkin being more likely the closer the assassination is to election day). Which is probably even less palatable to these powers. The problem, after all, isn't Trump, its Trump's voters.

Who will actually risk the possible consequences, often due to Trump himself turning on them?

I'm not so sure.

Roman religion was centered around vows to gods, however; obligational relationships which mirrored the Roman culture of patronage. Hence the gods were feared

I'd say...

  • He's T. Gracchus if they manage to keep him out of power this time, and cut his political career off in some way which seems illegitimate to the right. (Which is what I weakly predict, but you're better off listening to the markets than me.)

  • He's Marius If he becomes President again, and puts it down after 4 years, but keeps being a kingmaker in Republican politics for the rest of his life, hobbling the right wing by his compulsive thirst for publicity/glory.

  • He's Julius if he becomes President, possibly staying in power more than 4 years, but then gets killed.

  • He's Octavian if he becomes President and stays in power more than 4 years, and makes it stick. "First Citizen" is too on the nose, but maybe "President Emeritus" would work? The perpetual Putin to the elected Medvedev. Sure, he's a Representative and Speaker of the House, and also a Senator and President Pro Tempore of the Senate, and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and most of the Cabinet, but that's totally normal for the greatest politician ever!

Or it could go some other way. Mostly I think the T. Gracchus resemblance is about what happens next. The next right-wing populist to successfully run for national office will know what they're up against, and if they're smart they'll plan for it. And maybe it's Trump, and he gets to be Marius, too.

(Was January 6 a symbolic journey to the underworld? There was a shaman and a human sacrifice...)

I would bet it would narrow only a very small bit. And of course the first time it happened the justices would get more security.

The best one available is though note that it's a monthly subscription, after a bit of using it you can graduate to using Piosolver yourself

That the Roman religion was of the capricious hunter gatherer type despite the regimentation of Roman society casts some doubt on this interpretation. The traditional Chinese religion likewise seems to lack a central authority.

I don't have a graph over time or anything, but we do have, what, four prominent Neo-Nazis? Three? That's a pretty high number by internet standards, and plenty of people around them who are sympathetic in a soft way to them. We don't seem to have many actual left-wingers, though.

I'm not tarring everyone here - I'm here, after all. But I feel like we have more capital-R Racists here than we do lefties.

It's true, I think, that the Motte is mostly blue tribe. Even the racists and Neo-Nazis here are in fact blue tribe. (Per the original formulation, there are Republican-voting right-wing blue-tribers, and Democrat-voting left-wing red-tribers. The tribes aren't just voting groups.) Indeed, I suspect that their position is actually more appealing for a young, clever, right-wing-attracted blue triber. Being a Neo-Nazi is special - being a (pseudo?) intellectual far-righter obsessed with genetics and population IQ and ethnostates makes you just as anathema to the left as being a MAGA barstool type, but it at least makes you different to the MAGA type. You can still position yourself separately from the poorly-educated populist blue-collar beer-and-guns-and-Jesus type of right-wing, because I really doubt anyone in the far-right wants to be confused with them.

We've never had a major party candidate drop dead during an election season before

Well, depending on what you mean by 'major party' and 'election season'...

And I don’t see why people assume that computer and network issues are that much more complicated to learn than any other security or safety concerns for anything else you might do or use.

Well, that's because you trust yourself to get out of anything you get yourself into.

The problem with learning how to use computers is that, quite literally, everything's behind glass. The efforts to ameliorate this in the early '90s (and to a point, why early versions of iOS had the design language they did) were all attempts at solving this problem, and the reason the more famous ones failed (specifically Microsoft Bob) was because this problem is intractable outside of maybe VR- it's just side-grading from one "this is all behind glass, weirdly artificial, and I'm not truly in control of this machine's states" to "that, but at least it looks like a house".

With other forces of nature, such as electricity, gas, driving, etc., you're interacting with a physical thing. Human beings are exceptionally good at manipulating and understanding physical things- for electricity, you can physically guarantee that the current isn't going to go anywhere but where the wires conduct it. Same thing with driving (or at least, before we stuck shitty tablets in the dash).

Take away the state they're supposed to be directly manipulating, though, and make it both abstract and only accessible through a very specific set of fragmented language? And make it clear that (just like how people claim drivers would be better if there was a gigantic spike sticking out of the steering wheel) there are a bunch of [metaphorical, but sometimes very literal] loaded guns sitting inside the box? I don't blame anyone who hasn't had time/motivation to practice that in a safe environment for giving up pre-emptively.

(And the industry has done itself no favors- yes, there is an undo button, but the contexts in which it is useful and the powers it has within those contexts are not obvious even though with a plain-English reading they should be. Plus, now you have mobile-first design, which has to hide that functionality as a limitation of the user interface if it even has it at all... and every redesign that's made without actually proving it out, which UX designers love to do for some reason, chips away at the established knowledge base of a user little by little until there's nothing left.)

it’s that they see computer devices and the systems around them as too complex to understand. They aren’t.

I don't think it's that people are unwilling or unable- though there are certainly plenty of men and women who very blatantly refuse to use their eyes- but there's no obvious observable demonstration of "input A results in desired state 1", and that's coupled with "input B-Z results in undesired states 2 through 2000 and there's no easy way to go back to before making that input". So yes, "basic stupidity" is a thing that keeps people from understanding these devices, but I don't think it's the primary cause.

Speaking of physical interfaces... you ever seen what PLC programming interfaces look like? Ladder logic is arguably the most intuitive programming environment ever invented and most software developers have no idea it exists; its entire design goal is to make it as obvious as possible what input will result in what output. The only real thing you have to deal with there is the logic; more advanced things like functions become much more obvious when you can physically [or at least, as close to physically as possible- in this case, tracing a line with your eyes or finger] see what's happening and why.

Tax cuts are popular amongst many who pay taxes. I'm not sure it's only establishment Republicans.

Global energy prices were lower under Trump. Is that Trump or Biden?

Better economy with this Biden doesn't get my vote. I'd need a better economy with a better Biden.

The long tail of consequences from the McDonnel-Douglas merger.

Is the economy better because Biden is a really successful articulate president, with engaging ideas that get to the root causes of problems, imbalances and deficits in our country?

You can turn this one around, too, though: was the economy better under Trump because he was a really successful articulate president, with engaging ideas that get to the root causes of problems, imbalances and deficits in our country?

Or was it because the establishment republicans like tax cuts, and Trump was happy to oblige?

Also Hillary funded the Steele dossier and falsely reported it as legal expenses. I notice she wasn't prosecuted in criminal court for doing that.

The votes don't matter at all. They should let you toggle being able to see votes in order to prevent the emotional distress some apparently get.

Be the change you want to see: post relevant non-Trump content. Those griping Trumpers can't stop you.

I heard an audio clip with that word on the radio. So horrible when said outloud by a sycophant speaking to Kamala.

persuadable Biden voters in a better economy

Is the economy better because Biden is a really successful articulate president, with engaging ideas that get to the root causes of problems, imbalances and deficits in our country?

Would he even be able to find someone for the job in that situation? I know a seat at the court is the ultimate prize in a US law career, but if it comes attached with an permanent target on your forehead, I think the candidate pool is going to narrow quite a bit.