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Well, I don't see how the individual components of an argument can bring us closer to the truth, but the overall argument doesn't.

All of this stuff is in its infancy though. I would expect that within 20 years, making food would be within the robotic skill set. Twenty years ago LLMs were the stuff of fantasy. Here they are, able to write well enough to be writing copy.

Look at yourself.

Trawling lists to tally up your racial quotas. Wringing your hands over the tragic underrepresentation of your preferred demographic. So determined to believe that skin color (or however you can most favorably slice the boundaries) determines moral worth and political value. Behold the Übermensch!

You are giving an object lesson in why identity politics suck. You are recreating the field of grievance studies. I have no doubt that you could give me a dozen reasons why the stereotypically progressive position is foolish and immoral, so why are you wasting your time recreating it?

Have some self-respect.

I care less about underrepresentation by bodies like mine and more about hearts and minds like mine.

I too would rather return to 1990s era race-blind meritocracy. But if we're going to have a racial spoil system (which we do), I'd prefer my group not to be uniquely disadvantaged.

It's pretty simple, the individual components are verifiable in multiple ways, the bigger argument is not verifiable in any way, unless you happen to have a Multiverse Explorer that allows us to play around with the individual parameters and confirm that the implications drawn from the components to the grand theory are correct.

Also as a he complexity of your argument grows, the chances of making a mistake increases, and I don't think the relationship is linear. Add to that various psychological biases, and like I said the chances of you taking anyone closer to the truth are minuscule.

The sorts of elite liberals who might be staffers in the White House are vastly disproportionately Jewish, just like elite conservatives who might be staffers in a conservative admin are disproportionately conservative catholic.

There’s an interesting debate as to why, but with that background it’s not shocking that Biden’s White House is extremely Jewish.


Jacksonville's 1910 population was 57,699 vs 954,614 today.

Contrast that to Boston which had a population of 670,585 in 1910 vs 654,283 today.

That's why Boston has density and transit and Jacksonville doesn't. Cities like Jacksonville (and Los Angeles) removed their streetcar lines because people weren't using them and they were losing money. Cities like Boston and NYC couldn't do that because there was too much existing density for car-only infrastructure.

Bring back the word Aryan. Using "white gentile" is so incredibly cucked, it would be like if you made the word "Jew" taboo so Jews had to just all refer to themselves as non-Aryan whites. You could nitpick that term, but the nitpicks of that term would apply to "Jewish" as well.

Removing the streetcar is a substantial loss.

Google Maps shows a bus stop at the location you linked, with several routes passing through it. What advantage does the streetcar have over a bus?

I have no doubt that you could give me a dozen reasons why the stereotypically progressive position is foolish and immoral, so why are you wasting your time recreating it?

The reason that the progressive position is foolish is not because representation doesn't matter, particularly in elite institutions. The reason the position is foolish because it provides a completely false model explaining patterns in representation, a false model that is designed to reduce the representation of non-Jewish white people with mechanisms like affirmative action.

If someone became president and all of a sudden Jewish representation reverted to their population representation of ~2%, I have a feeling you would attribute meaning to that, and no doubt @2rafa would as well. But whites are already underrepresented in key areas of intellectual and cultural life, so there's not much room for them to "take comfort" in those trends in any way.

2rafa would completely panic if Jewish representation in elite institutions fell to below their population representation within the course of a few decades. But he'll equivocate with some "no big deal" handwaving to explain why non-Jewish white people have no reason to complain about their own representation.

Yeah I agree correcting them just kills the vibe mostly.

But also she cancelled:

8:43 AM Me: Hey are we still on for tonight?

11:40 AM Her: Hey, I think I’m gonna have to rain check🤦🏽‍♀️ sorry

11:40 AM Her: In denial ab how much shit I have to do this week lol

I think 95% of the time this means they are simply not interested but our conversation and her company/job title makes me think she is actually busy. (Although Some chance I’m thinking with my dick here because she is exactly my type).

Should I text back at like 9PM to reschedule and then add something cheeky like “you owe me the entire Stairway to Heaven solo now btw”?

I am of the mind that friendly reminders such as "Hey are we still on?" are more attempts at dopamine boosts for the inquirer, but almost always have the opposite effect, allowing easy exits for the inquirees. In other words, on originally setting up time and place, be as precise as possible, and only message them either slightly before that ("almost there") or slightly after ("Is that you in the Homburg?") but never, ever before.

I offer this next advice without imagining you'll take it: Cut your losses, soldier. Be eminently polite and tell her something brief but witty about all work and no play, etc. or say you hope she catches up, you know how it is, etc.

Then never initiate contact again.

Which is not to say you cannot respond if she texts you, of course, I mean we are not savages.

My reasoning is that she is, by cancelling, making her bed, as it were. Now she should lie in it. Any further pursuit by you smacks of your providing her with unearned attention.

Whatever you do, don't be rude or reveal even vaguely that you might be inconvenienced or hurt.

Just my thoughts. At least you have some champagne, which is nice.

Many have remarked how the cosmopolitan product manager/twitterati of New York, Toronto and Paris are much more similar to each other than they are to the Freedom Convoy, Gilets Jaunes or Dutch farmers dropping manure in highways and vice-versa.

I've always been a little confused by this. I'm American and I would be pretty upset if the values that I think the American elite hold are replaced by those of the elite of other countries. To emphasize the differences, I'm going to exaggerate this a lot and focus entirely why they seem bad from an American perspective: European elites feel too far in the direction of stuffy old-money terrified of change, Chinese elites too far in the direction of stereotypical spoiled rich heirs, and Indian elites too far in the direction of clannish religious fundamentalists (for example).

I therefore think the more dynamic, meritocratic American elites would have more values in common with the average American. Maybe I'm not elite enough to know true elite values, but I think people that claim there is truly some global elite class should travel more. I also think people sometimes confuse either an anglophone elite class or a global subcultural community (e.g. a particular academic field or readers of a particular blog) with a global elite class. Even with the second example, while I definitely have more in common with a random European mathematician than a random American lay-person, I feel more of a culture-clash talking with the average (non-UK) European-born mathematician working in Europe than with the average conservative American mathematician.

Even if people are more talking about the particular values of the liberal, American elite being particularly good at spreading and taking over parts of the elite of other countries, I'm not sure the process has gone nearly as far as needed to reasonably claim that elites everywhere are homogenized (as much as I would like this to be true).

The easy answer, which most people seemed to have jumped to, is that Jewish over-representation is due to merit.

It's an easy answer, but it's incomplete.

The reasons for the overrepresentation are only one part of the question, and not even relatively important. Let's say their massive overrepresentation in these intellectual and cultural institutions is due to 50% merit and 50% ethnocentrism, who cares? It's all merit in my book.

The far more important question, which does not have an easy answer, is how we should understand their stewardship over their areas of influence. All of the people saying "well duh, Jews are massively overrepresented in PMC so that's going to be reflected in white house staffing" would be the first to deny that Jews bear any outweighed responsibility as a group for the intellectual and cultural trajectory of the country, or that their group identity has systematically influenced their stewardship of their areas of influence to the determinate of the country. That is the bigger problem.

They are massively overrepresented in these key institutions, and you can't criticize them as a group, even as they engage in group-oriented behavior. There's not an easy answer to that conundrum.

How do you mean?

I think honestly the form of government is irrelevant for the most part. That’s mostly a tool, a means to the end of the business of doing government and that ideally the end goal of government should be a prosperous state filled with reasonably healthy, happy people. Right now, our current democracy isn’t delivering and probably won’t for the foreseeable future. And if it continues to not deliver, especially while micromanaging relations between people, I think we’ll sooner or later replace them with something else. What that something else is I can’t really predict. I think a properly tunes AI with a goal of human flourishing could do well for itself, but so could a monarchy or an oligarchy.

What are some general tips folks have for traveling? Specifically to make it a disconnected, distinct experience from your classic trip. Not necessarily “google local tourist spots” but ways to view a trip and time in a foreign location.

Arguably trans activists play fast and loose with the figurative/literal meaning of death for political footing. It's one thing for your opponents to disagree with you, but for them to genocide you (sic) gets a bit more attention. I do not doubt many using these terms imagine they are being very sincere and good-faith.

Edit: After reading further here I see that nothing I have written here adds anything new.

Except lots of American default whites are not aryan- even granting that aryan in racial use is kind of a fuzzy term, italian Americans and white hispanics are fairly large ethnic groups that most people would agree the term aryan excludes.

It's been almost a month. If you've read much more since you posted that, did whatever things we were talking about improve the reading experience?

I'm assuming most wouldn't even work, but there's a chance there might be some low-hanging-fruit that's surprisingly easy to produce.

This is most likely true but even so my assumption would be that governments are already ahead of the curve here. They have the capacity and interest to generate entire libraries worth of theoretical chemical weapons and also would have access to the relevant expertise to sort through the churn. The state already has a method for regulating broadly available dangerous compounds, like ammonium nitrate.

I think the problem you're having with the terminology here is due to trying to describe a coalition with varied heritages, interests, and purposes as a single group with solidarity.

The most commonly reported ancestries of non-Hispanic White Americans include German (13%), Irish (12%), English (9%), Italian (6%), French (4%), Polish (3%), Scottish (3%), Scots-Irish [Borderers] (2%), and Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, and Russian, each (1%) respectively. (Wikipedia)

Add in the Spain-ish whites, German-Mexicans (but not the German-Mexican Jews), Greeks, non-Jewish eastern Europeans, and the Roma, and now you have the entire pale rainbow.

Except the Ashkenazi.

I’d like to see people make noise about how underrepresented the Roma are in the Biden White House, for a change. Or perhaps overrepresented, but we don’t know because those aren’t the stats you wanted to retrieve and publicize.

All racial terms are fuzzy, Israel manages to define an ethnic Jew in a way that works in practice. There should be some category to refer to "non-Jewish European-descended" and Aryan was used to denote that group historically. Italians were regarded as Aryan even by Nazi racial laws FWIW, the term wasn't nearly as exclusive as the post-war lore has made it out to be. White hispanics are more complicated because there are some with entirely European ancestry and some with much less.

The problem with using Aryan is that you end up including Indian Brahmins, which, though they are rapidly growing in influence within the American (and British) elite PMC, certainly wouldn’t count as white in the way you’re intending it.

The groups you refer to split in a natural way into: Irish, Italian, French, Polish (Catholic) and German, English, Scottish, Scots-Irish, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish (Protestant). Russians confuse me. There might be some Catholic Germans, but if there are, they know who they are.

A split by ethnic religion would capture the main division, which is between those groups that arrived before the Civil War, and those that arrived after. The latter were poorer and might still be. Hispanic people would join the newcomers if they still are nominally Catholic.