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Culture War Roundup for the week of May 20, 2024

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Erik Prince was on Tucker Carlson. It was nearly two hours, and I enjoyed most of it. They talked about Ukraine, the CIA, republicans, Afghanistan, drone warfare, surveillance, smartphones, and much more.

Also youtube, somewhere.

I wanted to transcribe this part, and talk about it. Approximately 1:09.

EP: There's a lot of people that are considered American citizens that probably shouldn't be considered American citizens.

TC: I agree with that completely, but an actual American, someone who grew up here.

EP: Fair. But the left has devalued American citizenship, it should mean something to be an American. I mean, a Roman citizen: it meant something.

TC: I mean a Venezuelan gang member who's here illegally is every bit as American as you, who was born in Western Michigan, so yes, I'm quite aware of that.

EP: Anchor babies, birthright citizenship, all of that must go.

TC: Yeah, you wonder if we've reached where that is impossible for the country to act in its own interest just because of the changes due to immigration.

EP: I read a lot of history, and I know that things have been a lot worse in certain societies, and corrective events can be shocking and traumatic to people but it's still possible.

I have not been shy about voicing my thoughts on citizenship, so to hear them echoed in some part on a platform like this was interesting and unexpected.

What other societies is he talking about? I am most familiar with the Reconquest, where the mohammadeans were driven out of Iberia over centuries. That fits pretty well with what Prince is saying. I'm less familiar with the partition of India, by religion, then the separation of Bangladesh from Pakistan. This seems less relevant. What else is there? And what would that look like in the USA and Europe?

There's plenty to talk about from this conversation. The parts on drone warfare were particularly interesting to me, but didn't seem to fit with the rest of this post. And I'm out of time, so I post this as-is without any further commentary.

Why should an opoid addicted piece of white trash who was born to two parents who were white trash deserve American citizenship more than a Venezualen who fled socialism and crossed the Darien Gap just to participate in the greatest nation on Earth? That's purposefully inflammatory I know, but I do strongly believe that immigrants to America will rarely make natives lives worse, and often will in fact improve their lives through providing stuff like cheap farm labour. That's not an universal law, I look at Europe and see how terrible they are at integrating immigrants and wouldn't propose they open their borders because I don't think they could handle it. But immigrants are an amazing source of strength for America, one that should be harnessed.

and often will in fact improve their lives through providing stuff like cheap farm labour.

If you mean crash the price of labor, than sure. Or take the H1Bs for the opposite spectrum of job sophistication. Absolutely NONE of the random Indians and Eastern Europeans imported to work in high tech jobs are strictly needed. There are plenty of capable developers at home.

Even as Facebook was hiring lots of folks, it was still painful to find enough people to grow teams to actually manage all the work that needed doing. I had positions go unfilled for up to nine months.

When you need to hire the 99th percentile it helps to grow the pool by throwing in a couple of billion Indian and Chinese engineers.

None? The unemployment rate for developers is very low. If the H1Bs all left tomorrow, there would not be enough developers remaining to fill their positions.

Copy pasting monkey working on a dead product is not a position that needs filling. Perhaps with labor tightening there would be a focus on the new constraining variable (human capital) to determine what product should be worked on. An army of AI assistant chat app developers is creaming the fat off the top just like DEI admins, only less visibly. No one misses Google Hangouts and no one will miss Tesla Full Self Driving (do not get me started).

no one will miss FSD

FSD drives me door to door on almost every trip I take. I think a lot of people would miss it. Probably all the people who think it’s worth $200/mo would, and even the people paying $100/mo would too.

Don’t know when you last used FSD but the latest iteration was very good. It is nice having a co pilot and they don’t need much improvement to have a robo taxi. That is a game changer

Doesn't seem like a serious argument without an actual analysis of how many developers are employed in this and the actual value add thereof.

Especially when developers are paid fantastic sums. The company has every incentive already to prioritize human capital. We're not talking about Walmart greeters.

I suspect with ZIRP on the way out we'll see more tech companies tightening their belts. The reality of it is that most tech companies are horribly over staffed (look at Twitter, where allegedly 80% of the employees were let go, with no ensuing technical disaster that was, nonetheless, oft predicted.) There have always been theories floating around as to why these companies become so bloated with dead weight employees: FAANG hires anyone remotely competent and gives them make-work to keep them from their competitors, was a common belief.

I think the reality is a bit more nuanced than that and less strategic: headcounts bloat because when you're already making good money, the easiest way to increase your status is to increase the number of people "working under you". So projects which could reasonably be handled by one "10x developer" get spun out into entire teams to make the lead look better. And his boss is happier because now he is responsible for more people, which makes him look even more important, and so on. With fat enough margins (and/or a zero interest rate environment) this process can continue for a very long time. It's how a firm like Dropbox winds up with over 3000 employees.

I work on boring tax software for a megacorp, and our software development velocity would actually improve if we fired our entire offshore team (based in India). We would need a small transition period (due to them apparently intentionally siloing important information) but currently they cause more issues than they fix. As a small example, one of the third party tax accounting softwares that we integrate added a new authentication method in late 2022 or early 2023, I can't recall. I spent an hour or so to add support for it to the API client wrapper that I maintain (that gets used by all of our products for integration with this third party software). The only changes required on the part of the other products using my wrapper is a ~5 line code change, a new column in the database to track if customers are using the new or old authentication method, and updating an existing form (where users enter their API credentials) to allow users to choose the type of authentication they want to use. The data required by the new auth method is actually a subset of the data required by the old method, so the form needs hardly any modifications.

In spite of this, my offshore coworkers have spent almost a year and a half having regular meetings about implementing these changes, planning, "technical discussions," etc. And I've had to attend the vast majority of them, wasting mountains of my time. Oh and I'm not allowed to implement these changes myself in the 30 minutes or so it would take to do them, they're very protective of the things they work on and actively inhibit and block anyone who tries to improve their shitty code. And they refuse to read the documentation that I've written.

So basically my offshore coworkers have wasted 10+ hours of my time over something that should have taken a single dev 30 minutes (plus a change request to our DB admins I guess). And this for over a year and a half now.

Proponents of capitalism tell me that when labor becomes cheaper, the extra profit doesn't all go to the executives and shareholders, but also makes the product/service cheaper.

Yes, the proponents of capitalism are completely correct here.

It technically depends on the elascity of demand, but pretty much nothing has demand so inelastic that there'd be no cost decrease at all

Well, at least statistically, that Venezuelan hasn't learned any lessons fleeing socialism and will try to impose a similar system here. So they weren't so much fleeing socialism as fleeing poverty created by their own (collective) choices.

Is there any data on what kind of Venezuelans we're getting? Just one of the Dem's official programs appears to have flown in 400,000 of them already this year, not counting any who walk over the open border.

Is there any vetting being done at all? How many of them are just being emptied out of prisons in Venezuela to get rid of them?

None that I know of other than what I've heard out of the state's attorneys office which is that people from south of Mexico are now making up about 50% of felony DUIs

Just one of the Dem's official programs appears to have flown in 400,000 of them already this year,


Europe is worse off not primarily because they are worse at integrating but because they get a worse quality of immigrant. They get primarily sub-Saharan Africa and Arabs. To date only sort of Iraq has been able to maintain law and order in the Arab world without a dictator with no problem using violence.

Immigration is likely still a net negative for America but I would be far more radical if I were in Europe.

Flights are also getting cheaper. And NGO’s more sophisticated that in the near future we might get European quality of illegals. We are already seeing Chinese etc flying into Latin America, burning there passports, and claiming asylum. And since China won’t take them back since they are aware who they are they suddenly have real asylum claims.

False dichotomy, there's no reason to tolerate really bad behaviour among your own people or allow immigration from totally different peoples.

If your son is a total deadbeat loser who molests your daughter, you can kick him out or punish him. That you have some finite, natural obligation to family does not also mean you are also obliged to let random people into your home to stay permanently, regardless of whether they pay rent or not.

Some immigrants are obviously high-value and very economically productive. Others are negative value, El Salvadoran gangsters for instance. States should seek to siphon off the highest-value migrants while rejecting the low-value migrants. But even then, high-value migrants can be dangerous. What if they seek to manipulate your politics and embroil your country in foreign struggles? What if they employ nepotism or favoritism to privilege lower-value coethnics for future employment once they reach positions of influence? Are they loyal to your country when the chips are down or will they move on to greener pastures?

Immigration is a very sensitive and dangerous matter that should be approached with caution. The gains are concentrated (cheaper labour, expansion of consumer base, higher house prices) but the costs are harder to perceive and diffuse (social trust, pension/health costs, political unity and the erosion of institutions).

Because the opioid addicts ancestors almost certainly helped to build the wealth of this nation and the Venezuelans did not?

The world fundamentally changed when oil powered machines got good enough to replace animal power (and human power) to create goods. Every nation should have implemented immigration controls designed to admit the people best able to thrive in that environment (creative geniuses bright enough to invent new machines). And shared the wealth with their former laborers, just because we missed that doesn't mean we should repeat it if AI takes the bar to contribute productively to society even higher.

Why should an opoid addicted piece of white trash who was born to two parents who were white trash deserve American citizenship more than a Venezualen who fled socialism and crossed the Darien Gap just to participate in the greatest nation on Earth?

Why should my poor, mentally ill, uncle be given better treatment by my family than a random homeless person?

You know what they say about one man’s modus ponens …

I know what they say, but I also know that only a couple of very weird people would endorse that conclusion. "I have equal obligation towards family and random strangers" is both rare, and mentally and societally unhealthy, and I'm not going to take seriously any system of morality that requires it.

People here have a habit of taking seriously the most absurd of conclusions without ever doing sanity checks on them.