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Life got in the way

Honestly, I'm impressed you manage to be so productive, considering all you mention.

you could have left a glowing review right there yourself

I did a while ago, recommended to a friend too. "I'll take a look" - never did, flaky bastard.

The most obvious element is that it is very dangerous to stand up in public and discussion Jewish overrepresentation. Beyond that, I think that the continued mawkish emphasis of the Holocaust in my country is mostly down to Jewish activism; it was horrible, but it happened hundreds of miles away, in a totally different country with whom we were at war, seventy years ago. And yet we are spending 100m of public money in 2024 to pave over a park in Central London so that it can be turned into a Holocaust memorial*, even rewriting our own planning laws because they forbid it, and heavily implying that the only difference between Britain and Nazi Germany is that the anti-semitic fascists happened to turn up there and not here.

Beyond those two points, I have no idea what influence is going on behind the scenes. I hope not too much, but I am not so naive as to think that a group with disproportionate influence is not wielding it at all. Thus my desire for transparency.

*The designer of the memorial has said publicly that ruining the pleasure of people who people who want to use the park is key to the memorial's effect.

Thanks for the correction, my mistake. By dubious, I mostly mean the former. I doubt there is anything particularly nefarious going on beyond a certain amount of ingroup preference, but the overrepresentation of minorities in the leadership of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales bothers me. I think that people should in general be ruled by somebody of their own heritage and culture, and specifically that Britain is the ancestral home of the British peoples and should be run by and for indigenous Brits. Assuming that the overrepresentation is because of culture and IQ, I don't think that we should be importing people who tend to end up ruling over us at greatly disproportionate rates.

It may be just a temporary moment, but the vast number of major cities that now have Muslim mayors suggest it isn't. I am happy to have guests, but not to import a new ruling class.

(As usual, it's easier to find tendentious factchecks on Google than the original data, so I've just included those).

Is it? Maybe hospitals suck. I wonder if you really need a maternity war combined with a cancer war combined with an ER.

Maybe splitting some of these up into smaller offices would better in the long run.

  1. Don’t know the internal politics within Iran.

  2. Interregnum periods are often chaotic.

  3. We don’t know if the crash was an accident or a foreign op. If latter, Iran may escalate or internal faction may claim foreign op to effectuate its own goal.

  4. Doesn’t need to be with Israel but could expand for example support of Yemen in proxy war with Saudi Arabia.

Reading David Copperfield. I believe this is my fifth Dickens novel.

Every time I go back to him, I am surprised at how easy it is to read, and how funny he can be. Also with this one, in Dickens's preface he describes how much he's going to miss the characters now that he's done writing the book. A very modern-feeling touch.

I can't speak for the US, but I haven't heard of such cases in the UK. Obviously old buildings can get damp, but I've never heard of somebody not being able to repair their house because it's listed. Might cost a bit more, but listed houses are usually expensive and owned by richish people in the first place.

jannies are treated as valued curators of harmony, not power tripping egoists.

That applies to almost all jannies here. Alas, there is always that one or two who end up power tripping and should be forbidden from any janny duties that aren't just obvious spam removal. This has been the case since almost the beginning back on reddit.

I think it depends on the details. For example, is the company actually failing right this minute or not?

Doing productive things with a doomed business deep in the red is different from strip-mining a struggling company's assets because you think you could make more money speculating on their real estate value. Or taking a company with a reputation for high quality products, reducing the quality, and profiting off the reputation that the previous owners built up.

Some companies deserve to die (I work for one). But in general people admire building things and disapprove of destroying them.

Is there some way to disable the goddamn annoying and completely useless bar that sticks to the top of the screen when scrolling threads here?

On desktop I can use uBlock Origin to just hide it, but that doesn't work on mobile.

After watching Blippi for 2 minutes I'll never look at the Aged Wheels channel the same again, he's like Blippi's fatter and less flamboyant cousin.

No, it does not involve any of that even if you talk about papal infallibility doctrine that was so far used twice in history. Catholics do not have to listen to whatever pope says in some interview. So far Catholic Church is against gay marriages in line with Persona Humana doctrine. Just couple of excerpts:

At the present time there are those who, basing themselves on observations in the psychological order, have begun to judge indulgently, and even to excuse completely, homosexual relations between certain people. This they do in opposition to the constant teaching of the Magisterium and to the moral sense of the Christian people.

But no pastoral method can be employed which would give moral justification to these acts on the grounds that they would be consonant with the condition of such people. For according to the objective moral order, homosexual relations are acts which lack an essential and indispensable finality. In Sacred Scripture they are condemned as a serious depravity and even presented as the sad consequence of rejecting God.[18] This judgment of Scripture does not of course permit us to conclude that all those who suffer from this anomaly are personally responsible for it, but it does attest to the fact that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered and can in no case be approved of.

I'll start with this:

I'm not condemning men.

It's rather grating that you insist that I'm being unfair to men when I've said nothing negative about men this entire conversation.

Please stop saying I'm blaming men for anything.

From your original post:

Low male employment, antiwork, and the rise of NEET-dom

You specifically chose to qualify this with "male", despite the fact that, as I pointed out with some actually-less-likely-to-be-manipulated (since they're of an economic nature and collected by the government, which has an incentive to know the productivity patterns of its prole cattle) statistics (which I love how you ignored), the problem with low employment and labor non-participation is actually worse among women.

Why "male"? Why not "black"? They're actually far less likely to be employed (unlike men, who as I showed actually aren't) than people of other comparable demographics. Let's say I made your OP, but instead I put "low Indian employment", and then as it turns Indians actually have a higher than average level of employment among the races (which may well be true). Would it make sense to you if I were flabbergasted that you thought I was being anti-Indian? Would it make sense for me to post "Please stop saying I'm blaming Indians for anything."?

You still haven't answered the fundamental question in all of your pointless, evasive verbiage: Why male? Why is male labor non-participation specifically the issue we're worried about here? Why not overall, or again female?

About statistics in regards to women, let me just say this:

  1. On any given day in America (weather being a factor of course), there are millions of females of all ages walking around in public with essentially (at least partially, often far more) exposed genitalia, and this is considered more or less socially acceptable (or at least not punishable or preventable) nowadays. On beaches, it is similarly considered mostly acceptable for their nudity to obscured only by a few small strips of fabric. The number of men walking around with comparable levels of exposure ever is essentially zero, statistically-speaking. Most men, in their entire lives, will never publicly expose themselves in such a fashion, whereas almost all women will do it at least once, and usually far more.

I agree there are more women actresses/subjects in pornography.

  1. You seem to have confused me for only talking about OnlyFans (which isn't a terrible statistical signal actually as it's mostly amateurs and of course women dominate it) or Bang Bros here. Let me rephrase: For a not insignificant portion of women (at least 5%, probably closer to 20% in some demographics, and obviously again going vastly up with lower age in particular and greater attractiveness), the average picture they put online of themselves is softcore pornography (if not just because it features their usual attire, which is softcore pornography attire, though of course most of them in that category choose to intentionally pose and present themselves in additional lustful ways as well). Meanwhile the percentage of men for whom this is true is well below 1.

  2. There is a whole word just for describing the phenomenon of how women are excessively catered to by men without being expected to provide essentially anything in return: "simp". (Yes it is sometimes also applied to women, but not with nearly the same frequency/earnestness/intensity.) There is, as far as I know, no similar word with reversed gender connotations in such prolific use.

Every single one of these facts, in regards to which gender is more promiscuous and has contributed more to the breakdown of sexual norms and which gender is more selfish and expects to receive more from others for less in return from them, is a far stronger statistical signal than any cherry-picked survey stat you can post. It all comes down to a variation of the same old question: "Who do you trust: your lying eyes or our 'data'?"

You claimed the statistics supported you. Now that they don't you're claiming the statistics aren't accurate. Why did you claim they supported you then?

They do support me, as again your own links show, other than again a small slice of the tip of the modern wokeist spear that you've chosen to focus on exclusively for some reason.

Why don't I just roll over like a puppy dog for a few years from some random graph you posted that apparently has the right figures? Let's take the cheating one for example. This can be blown up easily by asking some simple questions:

  1. Do the women who responded considered the massive amount of offline and online thirst-trapping many of them must do (given again how much of it exists overall) "cheating"?

  2. Do their boyfriends/husbands?

  3. Do their boyfriends/husbands even know the full extent of it (in an age of Snapchat and plenty of other ways of hiding it)? And how pressured do they feel because of modern matriarchal norms not to contest it at all even though they would really like their girlfriend/wife to put some clothes on?

This is just one issue that makes the simplistic consideration you're engaging in wholly untenable if you're trying to be intellectually honest. Like I said, you can post as many cherry-picked surveys as you want: No amount of data trumps reality.

I mean, I could respond to you in a Reddit drone fashion by going on a dive and posting my own cherry-picked link dump, but surely we're all aware enough here of Scott's writings on metascience to understand that a graph is not a substitute for using your brain and empirical faculties, right?

But yes, I trust recent statistics less and less, as social scientists have increasingly openly declared war on the truth in favor of what's ideologically compatible with their brainwashing. So also yes when I say that statistics support my position, I'm not including any given random link from 2022 or whatever.

Please stop putting words in my mouth.

If you don't want people to assume malicious implications behind your words, then please stop being so unfair and biased.

You've insisted you're some great known critic of women here, but in our entire conversation that is supposedly (from your perspective) just about a neutral examination of modern selfishness, you have yet to even entertain applying the word to any common female behavior (or any female at all in fact) once. So spare me the disinterested observer pleading please because it is obvious hogwash.

If you want to have a conversation about selfishness as a trend, then include the other half of the population. Otherwise you obviously don't want to have a real conversation.

I guess the fascinating thing about Jews is their singular outperformance within a racial/ethnic set, even within 2 or 3 different sets (White, arab, north african). I guess we don't have enough subcontinentals here to focus discussion on Sindhis, or enough Africans to focus on Igbo. East Asians would be more difficult to find a distinct outperformer, since all the sinics are broadly equal in their regional outperformance.

  1. The statistics are about sex, not about having partners, so I'm not sure where you're getting your fundamental objection from. Sure differential rates in coupling could account for some of the difference but...

  2. Given that most women are serial monogamists (and have been for decades, since probably at least the 80s) at best (and for your average woman any given man often doesn't last long), yes it does mean they're more promiscuous. We're not talking about statistics of virginal marriages here.

If you bang 10 guys in a year, it doesn't change anything that you temporarily gave them all the title of "boyfriend".

This is why Blippi is the best. Actually educational and teaches really good things like industrial processes and heavy engineering, all in a positive learning environment and adult respect for kids. Don't be surprised if the daddy kink of 20 year old girls in 10 years time involved orange glasses and suspenders.

Tatted anorexic goths look great at 20, but tats look shit on even skinny old women. Collagen is magic skin elasticity juice, and the potions stopping their work means three wolf moon starts looking like droopy and drippy

Certainly the Maronites are substantially responsible for the banking crisis, but that’s just what happens in highly fractured low trust countries with major sectarian disputes, every group is out for itself. I don’t think an independent 75% Christian Lebanon would be Switzerland or Denmark (or indeed secular Israel) but it would probably be a moderately corrupt Med country on the level of, say, Greece or Malta. They got away with it in part because every tribe there is corrupt and self-serving in its own way.

How themotte subverts internet norms: jannies are treated as valued curators of harmony, not power tripping egoists. May this state of affairs continue.

jannies pls gib good boy points for my unrestrained slobbering, thank

True. If Palestine is a formal state then retaliatory actions are more justified: its not an oppressed minority in your borders, but a hostile yet weaker neighbor

Ideal geoengineeting is willing a mountain into existence to impede clouds, combined with digging vast canals to form inland seas. This is however just idle thought on my part following inane discussions on 'what can we use shitloads of nukes for if not war ', a proper geophysicist may have other ideas to contribute after they cease hyperventilating.

You need ambient water vapor for cloud seeding to work to begin with. without that you're just shooting silver in the air. Cloud seeding works in coastal deserts where the lack of mountains lets humid air freely pass without condensing, I don't think inland deserts enjoy similar humidity

I accept that the maronites were much more educated and sought to perpetuate their position of relative privilege in the system, but specific to the last decade I believe the maronite insanity in their banking policies is what lead to Lebanons modern version of ruin. That is however a topic for another thread.

Is it even remotely feasible to target cloud seeding to a 300-acre plot of land, or economically feasible to seed a large enough area to ensure rainfall on that plot?