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Is it even remotely feasible to target cloud seeding to a 300-acre plot of land, or economically feasible to seed a large enough area to ensure rainfall on that plot?

I don't. The janny classifying it as high-quality is a stronger signal, anyways.

Are there any Mottizens who are regular or semi-regular festival goers? I most certainly am not, but would be very interested into what the median level of price gouging / blind eye to drug use / criminal activity / hostility and violence goes on at these kind of things.

price gouging - Yes, but not for water. Water is free. I think this is a legal requirement these days where I live.

blind eye to drug use - Haha that's one way to put it! At many festivals the assumption is that the majority of attendees are high.

criminal activity - Drug related only

hostility and violence - Not at the festivals I attend.

Wow, those ice houses are awesome. I think you could genuinely have some good success building one and turning it into an airBnB. Regardless it would be a ton of fun to build.

I would probably try some harebrained geoengineering scheme to enhance rainfall by renting a plane to seed clouds over the area or create permanent bodies of water by digging canals or planting trees. In some regions near the coast or major rivers this might even have some chance of success. Building some ancient Persian ice houses might be another interesting project, and I could probably come up with a few more if I re-read Dune.

I think it came off the back of Fyre Festival, the "worst music festival since Woodstock 99". Once everything that could be said about Fyre Festival had been said, there was still a market for festival schadenfreude so it was the obvious next choice.

Woodstock is not some "relatively obscure music festival", it was perhaps the most well known music festival in history. I'm not American, but everyone knew about Woodstock 99 - it was international news for weeks (both the hype and the fallout).


Joking aside I have a real job and music is a passion project I pursue in my spare time.

Women being more likely to have a partner doesn’t make them more promiscuous. I don’t know, it doesn’t seem like you’re reading the statistics correctly.

Ha, it is on the edge of the Mojave. Still cheap enough that I wonder if there's some other thing wrong with the land--maybe a lack of water rights.

At least the foot inside corrupt boot i'm licking looks like mine. Perhaps one day I could wear this boot myself

Good points. I'm not interested in being off the grid per se, except inasmuch as parcels that are totally off the grid are way more affordable, and the grid will probably come to them eventually. It's more of an economic question than anything--what does it take to make bad land productive without too much up-front capital?

The answer is, I think, that it's not really doable--you need either lots of capital, or to squander valuable human capital developing the site that would be better off elsewhere. But I was hoping for a cool idea I hadn't thought of.

The Maronites were patrician intellectuals whose French-educated elite thought they could continue the colonial system indefinitely after colonialism. If they had agreed to let Israel help them build a Christian state in the late 1950s it would have been fine and they’d literally be living in a rich modern country by now. Their hubris destroyed them, a similar situation played out in South Africa with the Boers.

Israel can’t allow Palestinians to rule themselves before being pacified because Israel has no strategic depth. The Iron Dome vs Gaza is one thing, the risk of an October 7 repeat shoots up hugely if they get full control of Area C.

Palestinians arent angry toddlers and i bet they'd not appreciate being compared to such. you give them cover they never asked for and deny them even the limited agency they are able to exercise. that the palestinians are failing to escalate the conflict is a sore point for them, not a deliberate act of restraint. they were calling for hezbollah and jordan and syria to strike the jews at their moment of weakness on oct 7, not celebrating the completion of their objective.

I'm reading the Aeneid, Roman poet Virgil's epic poem/Homer fanfiction. It feels a tad rushed at times, and divine intervention is used in a way that can feel a bit cheap. However it's still well written and reasonably entertaining. Chapter 6 where our hero ventures into the underworld is particularly reminiscent of the Hades games - I've enjoyed playing Hades 2 lately.

You can change it anytime you want btw, unless you're worried about people not recognizing you.

Spend a few weeks as "The X formerly known as Pasha"

The west bank doesnt want gazans in the west bank. Any saudi or UAE or qatari intervention will be resisted by the palestinians, likely on the pretext of the jews having compelled the arabs into betraying the ummah with the promises of money. That the saudis will be less restrained in their clamping down on palestinians is likely the most optimal outcome the world can hope for, but only if the saudis dont shit the bed militarily like they did with Yemen.

lol. I still can’t believe I got stuck with such a retarded stereotypical username

Leftists always like the idea of a racially and religiously tolerant unitary state with jews and muslims living peacefully together. That this is literally impossible does not seem to register, and pointing to current muslim nations killing themselves over internal sectarian divides is always met with 'but we won't know until we try!'

This kind of thing happens all the time with non-political things as well. I don't think there is any coordination, these people just move in the same circles, talk about generalised ideas together and then develop them independently.

Additionally, it someone sees something doing well they'll go around shoppong for some semi-finished production that they can rush to completion to get in on the craze.

Also, the moment the Arabs defeat the jews the arabs will fight each other. Part of why 1948 failed was the jockeying between Syria and Egypt for the supposed spoils of war. There will be no time to mourn the jews when their massacre/expulsion is merely the first act of a neverending conflict.

It's an exaggeration, but is generally indicative of the main types of crime.

It's hard to find statistics by country of origin, but UK does have numbers by religion. Hindus are easily the least violent group, commiting 4x less crime than the base population. Sikhs are at par with the average British person and Muslims commit 3x as many crimes.

These numbers are less perfect, but 0.2% of the US prison population was Hindu, while making up 1%+ of the population. Similarly in Australia, Indians make up 2.8% of the population, but 0.4% of the imprisoned cohort. In Canada, Hindus make up 0.2% of the prison population, while Sikhs make up 0.7% and Muslims make up 6%!!. For reference, hindus and sikhs are about 2.5% of the Canadian population each, and muslims are about 5% of the population. Prison chaplains consider Hindus to be the least extremist group.

The statistics are very clear. Hindus are the most peaceful immigrant diaspora and by quite some margin.

P.S: I don't consider most Sikhs to be violent just as I don't consider most Italians or Japanese to be violent. Just because your ethnicity runs a major mafia org, doesn't mean that the majority ever interacts with it. A small minority of people jack up the statistics and give the community a bad name.

I do think Pakistani child grooming gangs are a deeply rooted problem that the rest of us 'subcontinentals' do not wish to be associated with. It's their problem. Let them have it.

Is it ethnically cleansing them when they are so eager to do it to themselves? If the civilized world pulls back entirely from the middle east and africa, their bloated populations would kill each other first before starving to death. For all the criticism of white people committing genocide none have been so effective as what these people do to themselves.

Personally I favor formal recognition of Palestine as a single unitary state, then letting Fatah-Hamas war 2.0 kick off. It'll be like the Pakistani Civil War, except without any external intervention. Kick out all settlers and let the Palestinians decide what sort of state they really want: one where it enjoys the freedom to starve without Israeli supplies. If Palestines borders are sovereign so are its trading partners, who are under no obligation to supply food or electricity to a neighbour, much less a hostile one.

Tattoos are degenerate and an affront to God. I always dislike people who have them at least a little. One of the best signs (along with being fat) of poor impulse control and general stupidity in an adult.