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It seems to me that every single one of your arguments again places a convenient cutoff point on history. The 1948 war was preceded by massive Jewish immigration into Palestinian lands, terrorism by armed groups representing it, and them leveraging their ties to the international community to secure support for plans that already amounted to mass expropriations of Palestinians; the post-WWII Germans had just finished doing WWII (and as far as I can tell the expatriate ethnically German populations were friendly with the Nazis wherever they encountered them on their drive east); presumably "fedposting" implies things that are not proportional to vaccine mandates and lockdowns (but I have to say that if anti-lockdowners created a compound where they kept loudly pro-lockdown individuals under house arrest, I would not feel like an injustice is being committed).

The particular reason why Palestinians are more entitled to engage in unrestrained terror tactics than these groups is that they have been subjected to unrestrained terror tactics first and continuously.

One of the funnier episodes of my life where the funniest outcome didn't happen was when the class bully - well, he wasn't really bullying anyone as far as I know, he was just swaggering and an asshole - tried to make me insecure about my dick size. I had no idea and probably said as much. If only had I cared then. If only. That'd have been extremely funny.

Seeing women expect 20-22cm though... Wow, that is just brutal.

They really don't. They might say it but actually 20 cm, which is 8 inches is vanishingly rare.

20 cm is 99th percentile. Or 98th. They rarely see it unless they're extra promiscuous.

Also, that long a dick size can actually hurt a typical woman bc the guy might hit her cervix during athletic sex. And even tear it, requiring a visit to ER.

The horror stories of guys getting really insecure usually involve 4 inches and under.

The relevant tiktok video..

I believe it's a diminutive of Paul and Paula in Russian. Not that stereotypical esp not on English language internet. It's just rare.

Life got in the way

Honestly, I'm impressed you manage to be so productive, considering all you mention.

you could have left a glowing review right there yourself

I did a while ago, recommended to a friend too. "I'll take a look" - never did, flaky bastard.

The most obvious element is that it is very dangerous to stand up in public and discussion Jewish overrepresentation. Beyond that, I think that the continued mawkish emphasis of the Holocaust in my country is mostly down to Jewish activism; it was horrible, but it happened hundreds of miles away, in a totally different country with whom we were at war, seventy years ago. And yet we are spending 100m of public money in 2024 to pave over a park in Central London so that it can be turned into a Holocaust memorial*, even rewriting our own planning laws because they forbid it, and heavily implying that the only difference between Britain and Nazi Germany is that the anti-semitic fascists happened to turn up there and not here.

Beyond those two points, I have no idea what influence is going on behind the scenes. I hope not too much, but I am not so naive as to think that a group with disproportionate influence is not wielding it at all. Thus my desire for transparency.

*The designer of the memorial has said publicly that ruining the pleasure of people who people who want to use the park is key to the memorial's effect.

Is it? Maybe hospitals suck. I wonder if you really need a maternity war combined with a cancer war combined with an ER.

Maybe splitting some of these up into smaller offices would better in the long run.

  1. Don’t know the internal politics within Iran.

  2. Interregnum periods are often chaotic.

  3. We don’t know if the crash was an accident or a foreign op. If latter, Iran may escalate or internal faction may claim foreign op to effectuate its own goal.

  4. Doesn’t need to be with Israel but could expand for example support of Yemen in proxy war with Saudi Arabia.

Reading David Copperfield. I believe this is my fifth Dickens novel.

Every time I go back to him, I am surprised at how easy it is to read, and how funny he can be. Also with this one, in Dickens's preface he describes how much he's going to miss the characters now that he's done writing the book. A very modern-feeling touch.

jannies are treated as valued curators of harmony, not power tripping egoists.

That applies to almost all jannies here. Alas, there is always that one or two who end up power tripping and should be forbidden from any janny duties that aren't just obvious spam removal. This has been the case since almost the beginning back on reddit.

I think it depends on the details. For example, is the company actually failing right this minute or not?

Doing productive things with a doomed business deep in the red is different from strip-mining a struggling company's assets because you think you could make more money speculating on their real estate value. Or taking a company with a reputation for high quality products, reducing the quality, and profiting off the reputation that the previous owners built up.

Some companies deserve to die (I work for one). But in general people admire building things and disapprove of destroying them.

Certainly the Maronites are substantially responsible for the banking crisis, but that’s just what happens in highly fractured low trust countries with major sectarian disputes, every group is out for itself. I don’t think an independent 75% Christian Lebanon would be Switzerland or Denmark (or indeed secular Israel) but it would probably be a moderately corrupt Med country on the level of, say, Greece or Malta. They got away with it in part because every tribe there is corrupt and self-serving in its own way.

True. If Palestine is a formal state then retaliatory actions are more justified: its not an oppressed minority in your borders, but a hostile yet weaker neighbor

I accept that the maronites were much more educated and sought to perpetuate their position of relative privilege in the system, but specific to the last decade I believe the maronite insanity in their banking policies is what lead to Lebanons modern version of ruin. That is however a topic for another thread.

Is it even remotely feasible to target cloud seeding to a 300-acre plot of land, or economically feasible to seed a large enough area to ensure rainfall on that plot?

I don't. The janny classifying it as high-quality is a stronger signal, anyways.

Are there any Mottizens who are regular or semi-regular festival goers? I most certainly am not, but would be very interested into what the median level of price gouging / blind eye to drug use / criminal activity / hostility and violence goes on at these kind of things.

price gouging - Yes, but not for water. Water is free. I think this is a legal requirement these days where I live.

blind eye to drug use - Haha that's one way to put it! At many festivals the assumption is that the majority of attendees are high.

criminal activity - Drug related only

hostility and violence - Not at the festivals I attend.

Wow, those ice houses are awesome. I think you could genuinely have some good success building one and turning it into an airBnB. Regardless it would be a ton of fun to build.

Ha, it is on the edge of the Mojave. Still cheap enough that I wonder if there's some other thing wrong with the land--maybe a lack of water rights.

At least the foot inside corrupt boot i'm licking looks like mine. Perhaps one day I could wear this boot myself

The west bank doesnt want gazans in the west bank. Any saudi or UAE or qatari intervention will be resisted by the palestinians, likely on the pretext of the jews having compelled the arabs into betraying the ummah with the promises of money. That the saudis will be less restrained in their clamping down on palestinians is likely the most optimal outcome the world can hope for, but only if the saudis dont shit the bed militarily like they did with Yemen.

This kind of thing happens all the time with non-political things as well. I don't think there is any coordination, these people just move in the same circles, talk about generalised ideas together and then develop them independently.

Additionally, it someone sees something doing well they'll go around shoppong for some semi-finished production that they can rush to completion to get in on the craze.

Last time Israel tried to support Arab christians as a faction against crazy islamists we got the Lebanese civil war which is still ongoing. If anything jewish support for ANYTHING delegitimizes it in the eyes of the local polity: see how aggressively Egypt and Jordan and Saudi Arabia downplay their positive relations witb the jews, lest the muslim brotherhood rear up again.

Magic UK dirt did not in fact morph islamist ultraconservatives into progressive liberals even after 3 generations. Right now the UK like all of Europe is just playing for time, hoping that the animating energy of Islamist hate stops spreading out of the middle east. Fools, the call is coming from inside the house!

What's your opinion on the Runesmith? The reviews seem mediocre. Is it the kind of story that's good if you're ok with skimming superfluous exposition but people who aren't, get pissed at the glacial pacing? Or are there bigger issues?

I'm having trouble parsing ratings and reviews at Royal road, with some of the higher rated stuff being complete garbage and some lower rated stuff being pretty decent. Is score manipulation (positive and negative) a big problem or am I just out of step with the audience?

I disagree that it leaves no evidence. Certainly not if you have a surveillance state with a panopticon, let alone if you have other mind readers, preferably sanctioned by the state, who can check for themselves.

That makes such accusations largely moot, because every psychic is being constantly monitored 24/7, and their capabilities and limitations noted, so the government would know they were fucking with you well before even you did.

Note that while this is a near future setting, I'm pretty sure that the sudden appearance of superpowers would absolutely remove any qualms nations today have about omnipresent surveillance.