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Small-Scale Question Sunday for September 04, 2022

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

Culture war topics are accepted, and proposals for a better intro post are appreciated.

Jump in the discussion.

No email address required.

Roll call! Who made it over?


Ilforte, belatedly reporting in.

Still alive and kicking 🤞

Hopefully for many centuries to come.

The same to you my man, see you around at Heat Death haha

Retaining my Reddit handle (defparameter *fur-name* "felis-parenthesis" "the cat who codes in Common Lisp")


Based. Welcome over.

I am here.... Now

Made it. Was torn about whether to use my Reddit handle, or one of my normal handles, since I was never on The Motte that much.


More minimalistic Fevzi Pasha reporting

solowng from reddit

I'm here.

Shambled to see that the comments are still floating in a sea of whitespace. I'd try to come up with some fixed CSS myself, but the idea that I'm supposed to make a PR on Github (and hence either associate my name-linked Github account or jump through whatever hoops are necessary to make a new and unassociated one) is discouraging.

edit: I'm using the following custom CSS now to have a bit more sanity:

*:not(.comment-text p) {

margin: 0px !important;


.comment-text p+p {

margin-top: 1rem !important;

margin-bottom: 0px !important;

margin-left: 0px !important;

margin-right: 0px !important;


.comment-text p:not(p+p) {

margin: 0px !important;


.comment, .comment-text {

padding-top: 0px !important;

padding-bottom: 0px !important;


.comment-collapse-desktop {

padding-right: 15px !important;


.list-inline-item {

margin-right: 5px !important;


.profile-pic-25 {

scale: 0.5 !important;


Unfortunately, main.css has a few !importants of its own enforcing padding (in particular on .comment .comment-body .comment-text) which I can't override.

edit2: The markdown parser doubles newlines in the three-backtick code span.

you can override main.css's !importants by giving your rules higher css precedences and also !important iirc. you can beat .comment .comment-body .comment-text with something like .. comment .comment-body .comment-text

edit2: The markdown parser doubles newlines in the three-backtick code span.

Also lists are possibly broken (plus there's too much spacing between items)

  • test

  • second

    • second level

    • sth sth

Known bug; we've actually had a half-finished fix for a while, but the person who wrote it hasn't had time to finish it, and we've been working on other stuff.

I definitely plan to go over the comment theme and make a bunch of changes. It wasn't the priority - the main page was worse - and then I ended up not getting to it before the launch.

Hi, testing to see if I can reply to a poster.

Indeed you can.

Been two years since I last posted on Reddit, but I came over under a new name. In fairness I deleted and recreated Reddit names on a quarterly basis back in the day so I doubt anyone would link my previous identities together.

I don’t post a ton so not sure how much it matters, but as promised a few months ago, I made it!

I gotta look around and see if the RSS feeds work. I’ll prolly forget to check in if not.

TheMotte was the only ray of sunshine keeping me on reddit. Good riddance reddit! You were once a wonderful place to have open discussions, but that was a long, long time ago.

Hydroxyacetylene from reddit, made the jump.

I have no particularly well-known handles on The Motte or SSC. For disclosure's sake, I was banned multiple times and evaded bans multiple times through alternate accounts and IPs whenever I felt the urge to post; that urge was uncommon, with gaps of months and sometimes years, but it did happen.

I am endeavoring to follow the rules here, though I do hope being removed from Reddit's iron clutch will see the mods lighten up a bit and permit a broader range of discourse and perspectives. I have long wanted to make an effortpost justifying political violence, for instance, but never have.

Rather than justification, how about acquiescence?

I wouldn't necessarily advocate for violence against politicians, lawyers, bankers etc. If angry yet capable mob started building guillotines on capital hill I'd like to see where it goes before reflexive condemnation.

”I have long wanted to make an effortpost justifying political violence”

I think this is a very bad idea. It draws harmful unnecessary attention to the site. It’s one of the few things that can directly lead to the site being taken offline and admins investigated. I’m sure the philosophical underpinnings can be clothed in a different topic, for instance an historical overview of political legitimacy with emphasis on how violent actors gained political legitimacy.

Yo! Formerly posted as bigstrat2003 and substantial_layer_13 on Reddit.

I never connected the two usernames, but I did notice both were excellent posters. Welcome.

Hola! Going to take a while to get used to the new interface, coming from old.reddit, but it's good to get away from that site.

Now I just need to figure out the custom CSS and get threads made clearer - seems hard to read.

Don't forget, you're here forever



Someone please ping her. I know she had some trouble with the rules, but it's at least worth starting fresh.

Ditto for iprayem3 or whatever his name was. I thought he had great commentary prior to quitting.

they deleted their account. Was ame deisach? just tell them on acx/dsl if so

Yes. She's BothAfternoon as well, so somebody can just contact her on reddit.

Things just aren't the same without her.

I’d been mentally calling Ame “Punished Deiseach” for a while before she deleted, but it’s good to have confirmation.

Maybe remove the reference to her active account, though?

Seeing as she was apparently getting harassed across platforms.



Southkraut, reporting in.